The Wild Story Behind the Assange Plea Deal
CIA plans to kidnap or poison the Wikileaks leader would’ve emerged in court
The plea bargain that has allowed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to go free was the byproduct, at least in part, of an illegal CIA plans to kidnap ("rendition") the critic of the U.S. national security state. Rather than see the scheme exposed in court, U.S. officials agreed to a face-saving deal: let Assange plead guilty to one symbolic count and sentence of exactly as long as he has been in detention. -
After nearly two decades on and off the run, Julian Assange has finally been convicted—in a plea deal that is sending him to Australia and freedom. The outcome presents a crushing defeat for the security organs of the U.S. government, especially the CIA, which floated plans and hatched plots to kidnap and even m…
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