JFK Live: Join Us Tonight to Rally for Full JFK Disclosure
Tonight we're calling on people to show their support for three Congressman who want to put teeth in Trump's order on JFK files.
Tonight’s JFK Live podcast on Zoom will focus on President Trump’s executive order on JFK files and how to make sure his call for “full and complete” disclosure is enforced. Trump’s order is good start but the old adage applies: Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.
Those of us in the JFK research community have high hopes but hard experience teaches us the CIA has the means to get its way on JFK, no matter what any president says.
The good news is that a bipartisan group of Congressmen (Reps. Steve Cohen, David Schweikert, and Tim Burchett) have sent a letter to Trump with strong and practical suggestions about how to make sure we get all of the assassination-related records that are now out of public view.
The Cohen-Schweikert-Burchett principles will go a long way to making sure this process is not hijacked by CIA, as happened under Trump in 2017 and Biden in 2022. Their proposal will ensure that the American citizenry, not the secret agencies, will control of the coming JFK disclosure process.
Trump’s Plan Is a Work in Progress
Trump’s plan, due Feb. 7, is being written with input from the National Security Council and others. We want to make sure the unified voice of the people is heard by the four officials now deciding what federal agencies will (or will not) do with their JFK files in the weeks ahead.
On last week’s episode of JFK Live, MSNBC analyst Fernand Amandi talked about “What the heck is going on with the JFK files.”
On tonight’s episode of JFK Live we will be taking action, organizing for full JFK disclosure now.
Join us tonight (and every Thursday night) at 8 pm ET.
We need everyone (meaning you) to call their congressional representative and tell them to sign the Cohen-Schweikert-Burchett letter, which will put teeth in Trump’s order.
We have a strong message. We have a strong order from the president. And we have leadership from these three congressman. This is something all Americans—left, right and center—can agree on. We need to show Congress that the American people want full JFK disclosure, and they want it done right.
If you can’t attend but want to know to contact your Congressional representative and make your voice heard, click here.
So invite a friend and join us in making it happen. Tonight on Zoom at 8 pm ET.
I am looking forward to the show tonight!
Not sure what happened to my original comment but luckily my older brother went to high school with my congressman and I already have plans with him to talk about the JFK records. I truly believe I will have his undivided attention or at minimum he won't be suffering through the phone call. I definitely need all the info you guys have to share with us tonight!!