
The visit of several SS agents to a Fort Worth bar on the night of 11/21, until 5:00 am on 11/22, was not the most serious error. After JFK was pronounced dead at 1:00 pm, the SS agents took custody of the body, commndered an ambulance, drove it to Love Field and absconded with the best evidence of the murder: the victim's corpse. A standard forensic autopsy wpould have been performed by the Dallas Medical Examiner; what happened is that two incompetent pathologists in Bethesda, neither of whom had ever conducted an autopsy of a gunshot victim, destroyed the evidence. Boswell was allowed to spend twenty minutes ALONE with the body, during which time he macerated the frontal neck wound and, according to his partner, Humes, performed "an incision of a wound" above the right eye at the hairline. Dr. Michael Chesser, who has examined the medical imaging at the National Archives, described the "incised wound" as a bullet wound of entry in the right cerebral hemisphere.

This was not mere dereliction of duty; it was criminal conspiracy by accesories after the fact.

They should not have been merely fired; they should have been tried in Texas criminal court.

Of course, no final conviction of ANYONE involved in the murders of JFK, Tippet and Oswald was ever obtained, and never will be.

"Mission Accomplished."

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There's never any real accountability for government thugs. Allegedly, the head of the SS who recently resigned will never have to work another day in her life.

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The Secret Service reactions in the jfk murder were odd and deficient; when shots rang out the worst thing an agent can do is say oh that sounded like a firecracker. That’s what a civilian bystander would think. The agents should have immediately reacted and sped out of the area. They are trained to react and didn’t, except for Clint Hill. If it turned out to be a firecracker they could all have a laugh about it later. The Trump attempt was a horrible example of history trying to repeat itself.

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Dear Fast Eddie,

Are you a Pinko anti-"National Security State tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorist, or a Neo-Fascist anti-"Deep State" tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorist?

You've got to be one or the other.

Whichever you are, rest assured -- Vladimir Putin cherishes your you-know-what.

-- Tom

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Dear Eddie,

Of all of the visible heads in the limo, why did only JFK's head go forward (2.25 inches) between Z-312 and Z-313?

-- Tom

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In Z-313 JFK's head blew up.

The detritus landed on the two motorcycle outriders to the left of the Lincoln, so much that they thought THEY had been hit.

The outriders on the right were not affected.

Remember your Oliver Stone, Tommy:

"Backwards, and to the left."

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Could there have been a frame between Z312 and Z313--or maybe 2? Your recitation of Dr. Chesser's findings suggests Newton's Second Law is violated by what is depicted in Z313.

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No accountability. Then or now. More scrutiny now only because we’re not distracted by pink mist. Need I add that both situations demonstrate obstruction of justice? When the coup succeeds no one dares call it by that name.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

The conspirators in 1963 had manufactured the evidence to make it appear Cuba and the Soviet Union were behind JFK's assassination, thus creating the justification for an American invasion of Cuba. In July of 2024, if Trump's brains had been blown out on live TV, the national security state and its allies were ready to present the evidence that Iran was behind Trump's assassination, thus justifying a war against Iran.


How did the Democratic Party become the party of the CIA and the national security state?


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Can something be called a failure if it was intentionally botched?

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33 of the 77 Caesars of Rome were murdered. All were inside jobs. Why is it not ok to assume the SS WAS involved in a conspiracy and have them prove they were not? At some point Michael Jordan doesn’t miss 20 uncontested layups in practice. It just might be on purpose. The SS had masssive failures of protocol in 63 and now in 24 with Trump. At some point it is NOT incompetence and at a minimum, it should be ok to be open to the possibility of complicit efforts! Questioning should be “Hey SS, there are too many violations of protocol here, so you should not be offended about a line of questioning about involvement of intent and proof therein.” It took years and much work by Palmera and others before we realized that SS was complicit and compromised in 63. No one likes the thought of conspiracy and government, but Why wait now? Ask the question(s) and hope we are wrong. “Want to see evidence of conspiracy? Look for violations of protocol.” - Fletcher Prouty.

When bureaucrats are involved in a conspiracy, they make it complicated and overplan. These are the “fingerprints” they leave and then they destroy records, messages, emails, etc. After doing this for 35 years, it sort of gets easy to spot, don’t you think?

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There is something which can be inferred from this.

The deaths of Presidents Garfield and McKinley, as well as the unsuccessful attempts on Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR, Ford, and Reagan were the work of lone perpetrators. That said, there have also been attempts on the lives of Presidents by conspiracies. The attempts against Lincoln and Truman indeed prove this.

In the case of JFK, the many questions and irregularities of his assassination, as well as what has been recently declassified indicate that there may have been others involved besides Oswald, ( If he ever was.). I will add that the many irregularities of the Secret Service in the attempt against Trump's life, including the fact that his campaign was denied extra protection, is cause for the same suspicion.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Assassinating the president and covering it up are just the tip of the authoritarian iceberg.

Our government is also surveilling and harassing thousands of innocent Americans in true Stasi fashion, including former congresswoman, Iraq veteran and lieutenant colonel in the Army reserve, Tulsi Gabbard.

"Gabbard was initially placed on the list on July 23rd, and trios of Air Marshals first began following her on flights on July 25th. As Racket would learn, surveillance was conducted on at least eight flights, with different three-Marshal teams for each flight, part of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) “Quiet Skies” regimen that can literally surround people with human watchers. There are 'potentially 15 or more TSA uniformed and plain clothes' at a gate for such assignments."

"Quiet Skies" hasn’t led to a single arrest, nor has it foiled any plots.


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The surveillance and harassment of Gabbard has prevented her from attacking the United States. Give credit where credit is due.

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Thanks for the chuckle.

On a serious note, as the article discusses, the cost of all this useless surveillance is astronomical. Just the cost of following Tulsi around is probably in the tens of thousands of dollars already. A country $35 trillion in debt should be concerned about expenditures like this, but of course we ordinary citizens have no say. We just have to pay the bills our masters run up. Democracy or republic my arse.

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Yes. The increasing cost of necessary surveillance justifies the increasing tax burden Americans must bear in order to continue to be self reliant.

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This was also a facetious comment. The country was founded as an avoidance of the Sheriff Of Nottingham. What was true 500 years ago is still true today. The murder of Caesar has been mentioned recently. The forces then are still alive today. Maybe more so.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Compare the protection JFK had in Tampa to what he had in Dallas and to the protection Trump had during the attempt on his life. Thanks to Vince Palamara, we have this revealing information from the motorcycle cop who accompanied JFK's limo in Tampa:


Read the emails the former officer sent to Vince at the end, about 1:43. Every floor and rooftop of every building over one story had someone (SS, police, or soldier) on them when riding through congested areas and business districts!

The conclusions are obvious, aren't they?

Thank you, Vince!

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Dear Jefferson "I Hate the CIA and Yuri Nosenko Was a True Defector" Morley,

Cover up of what?

Factoid: Lee Harvey Oswald, a sharpshooting former Marine who'd been sent to Moscow by a KGB "mole" in the CIA in 1959, killed JFK by firing three shots at him in 10.32 seconds in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza.

-- Tom

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Why the globalist elite and the national security state hate Trump. Start at 34:00 if you don't want to watch the whole thing:


"Grand Deception" by Alex Krainer is the banned book about the history of our relentless, unhinged demonization of Russia and its leadership.


The author explains why he wrote it:


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I have moved the Vince Palamara betrayal confession video and an update to the top of my Facebook home page. Please view, read, and of course draw your own conclusions.

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CAVEAT EMPTOR -- The Palamara website also was the source of a video produced by the host in which he endorses the Lone Nut lie as perpetrated by Vincent Bugliosi in his massive Black Mass Bible. Thus the uncontrolled narcissist betrays John Kennedy, truth, justice, and his former comrades because Bugliosi positively reviews Vinny the Kid's research.

To paraphrase Palamara, anyone who reads the Bug's bullshit and does not abandon the conspiracy position is mentally deficient. Such a group would include Peter Dale Scott, George Michael Evica, James Douglass, Vincent Salandria ...

I have put the video on my Facebook page. See for yourself by scrolling down through my posts until you find it.

You also should be aware that earlier in his illustrious career, Palamara endorsed the JFK lone nut argument of Gerald Posner.

Accordingly, Palamara joins Gus Russo and Dan Moldea in the Unholy Trinity of the Church of Quisling.

Don't turn your back on Vincent Michael Palamara. Place no value on his mea culpas.

And when his new book appears in the fall, question its timing and sources, tear into its narrative and conclusions, and gird yourself for Egomania as in Wrestlemania.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 13

Am I correct that you condemning Palamara for what he once thought, not what he now thinks?

We owe Vince a big debt of gratitude for the impressive collection of JFKA videos on his YouTube channel in addition to his books on the subject.

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Does anyone care?

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Evidently not, probably because everyone recognizes his many positive contributions to JFKA research.

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Dear Charles,

How many bad guys do you figure were involved altogether in the planning, the "patsy-ing," the shooting, and the all-important Cover Up?

Oodles and gobs?

Point being: You need to realize that a sharpshooting, emotionally disturbed, self-described Marxist by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald (who'd been sent to Moscow in '59 by a KGB "mole" in the CIA) killed JFK all by himself by firing three shots over 10.32 seconds (his first, missing-everything shot was at hypothetical "Z-124" -- half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming at Z-133) in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza.

-- Tom

PS Are you a Pinko "National Security State"-hating conspiracy theorist or a Neo-Fascist "Deep State"-hating conspiracy theorist?

You've got to be one or the other.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

How many people were involved in creating and setting up the mass surveillance of American citizens' communications that Edward Snowden revealed? A lot, but probably relatively few (dozens or hundreds?) knew the big picture.


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Wowie zowie.

Nice pivot.

Edward Snowden? You mean the NSA intelligence contractor who didn't understand the millions of files he was stealing and gave them to your buddy, Vladimir Putin? That Edward Snowden?

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Need very few players actually. Most don’t know what’s up. They’re just following orders.

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Film alterations, photo and/or camera confiscation, falsification of records about Oswald or . . . gasp . . . "Harvey and Lee," threatening witnesses and doctors into being silent or changing their stories, planting of evidence (like CE-399), forging of documents, murdering of witnesses.

I could go on and on . . .

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It’s amazing what can be accomplished when your survival is on the line!

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It's amazing what people will do just to keep their paychecks coming.

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AWL, thanks for your tireless stand for an honorable capture of the actual events of 11/22/63. Multiple shooters in Dealey Plaza, wounds from a minimum of two positions, Z313 frontal entrance wound above the right eye, massive exit wound in the rear of the skull, behind the right ear. AND then the entire “Band of Cover-up Conspirators” begins to play?! Katzenbach, JEH, Arlan Specter, the list goes on and on. Followed by the lynching of Oswald, a military veteran. The “winds of time” will erode the multiple layers of male bovine excrement, and who will it reveal? The person that E. Howard Hunt identified, POTUS #36. SHUCKS!

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