Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Margot Williams

Tragic. Devil’s Chessboard would be on my personal shortlist of impactful books.


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Jun 11Liked by Margot Williams


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Oh, such horrible news! I hope he recovers soon. :'(


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Godspeed, David Talbot!


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Definitely donated. David has been an inspiration to so many of us, hope he makes a recovery!

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Praying and sending positive vibes (besides a donation).

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I love this guy.


Cutting edge of what we know today.

(Note: to that end I would put Talbot and Mike Benz in the same class.)

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Done. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 for David and his family

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Whether he realizes it or not, David Talbot has spewed a lot of KGB*-endorsed anti-"National Security State" misinformation and disinformation in his life and has thereby contributed to the mess we find ourselves in today. I hope he gets well and realizes the errors of his way. *Today's SVR and FSB

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Oh, for FFS! The poor man has just suffered a STROKE after moving out of his home, and all you can do is babble on with your KGB crap! I wish they would ban you here. You are a bane on all our existences. You're a pathetic human being!

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Agreed. (His only path to redemption is making a very large donation to Talbot's GFM campaign.)

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