Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Fear of fascism feeds the fear of liberalism, which discredits both.

Both? Jeff tried so hard here, bless his heart.

Look we have all lived through a Trump Presidency…whither the record of fascism? And yet he is routinely called “an EXISTENTIAL threat to democracy” True, he does not believe that the last election results were legitimate—but Hillary said the same thing without becoming demonized. At the same time, his supporters are in prison without due process. For years now.

And let’s consider other aspects of Biden’s presidency:

— He has “Insiders” stage managing his senility with the help of a compliant partisan press ( till recently) & who defiantly refuses a cognitive test

— He doesn’t hold press conferences and his last Cabinet meeting was 9 months ago

— He —in an unprecedented decision — refuses to provide a presidential opponent, RFK Jr, SS protection

— He’s the nominee of a party who appointed him rather than letting their party voters have an open primary

— His administration conducted tortured lawfare against a political opponent, who may have committed a misdemeanor accounting error, but is now a felon after sham trials (regarded as such even by liberal lawyers) bringing our judicial system into disrepute

— worst of all: his administration actively engaged in the suppression of dissenting free speech on social media platforms, not the least with a section 230 threat [see Twitter Files] and imposed a medical mandate

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Trump's convicted fascistic followers who rioted on January 6 received ample due process, and Trump's "accouting error" in the hush money trial happened 34 times, leading to 34 felony counts and convictions on each, since the purpose was to evade federal election laws - there was no unjust" lawfare against the bloated fascist Trump. Instead, he has been able to get away with defaming witnesses, judges in his case, court staff, the judges' family members - something any other defendant would be in jail for doing, not just forced to pay fines.

Trump has been a fraudster and a lying crook his entire life, it's no wonder his vile violent rhetoric and attacks on American democracy spurred a violent response. I condemn the attempted assassination, but ONLY because we need to defeat this toxic authoritarian nitwit through a fair and free election, not by shooting him.

Your entire post is delusional, by the way, who are the "liberal lawyers" saying Trump's various trials are "shams"? And on what grounds would they say they are unfair or not grounded in the law?

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I was referring mainly to Jonathan Turley, who leans conservative but is generally respected even on the left, so I misspoke in classifying him a liberal. I’d direct you to his posts on X — for example his detailed critique of Marchan’s increasingly open bias esp his instruction to the jury before their deliberations.

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Turley has been spewing bogus paralogical legal theories for years, he's a fringe figure hoping Trump would appoint him to the Supreme Court and no longer respected at all by any but the right wing. Try again, I won't bother reading anything on X and YOU explain what is supposed to be a problem with Judge Marchan's jury instructions, that's total buillshit on stilts.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Since you mentioned delusional fanatics: here’s a run down on the dem side that helped bring us to yesterday:


These people are saying — and not figuratively —that violence against Trump is warranted. To get back to Jeff’s post I think his summary downplayed the real time threat of the current administration happening before our eyes.

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(1) That link doesn't work, (2) Cite even ONE leader of the Democratic Party who called for violence against Trump. (3) Can you even distinguish between hypothetical violent resistance to a Trump regime's attempt to put fascism in place in America, and general calls for violence "against Trump"?


" Given the events of the last two weeks, Donald Trump’s plans to become America’s first dictator are now much closer to being realized. This is not a fantasy or hyperbole. These are just the facts.

In a decision that left the mainstream news media and political class stunned and slack-jawed, the United States Supreme Court gave Donald Trump and his Republican-fascist successors the de facto power(s) of a king where he is above the law and literally has the power to do such things as order the military (or other forces under his command such as his personal militias or enforcers) to kill his political and personal enemies without consequence. This illegitimate United States Supreme Court, nakedly partisan and controlled by right-wing extremists, would not permit a Democrat to have such power. The Supreme Court’s corrupt ruling in Trump’s favor will, as a practical matter, mean that the four criminal cases (which includes a felony conviction in New York for paying hush money as part of an election interference plot) against him are likely going to be voided." [More]

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sorry about the link

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I'm not - you need some incredibly powerful set of arguments to even begin to chip away at Trump's relentless record of violent incitements, threats, lying smears and attacks over many years- there's nothing online that will help you with that!

The guy is ALREADY convicted of a violent crime (sexual ASSAULT) and the numerous incitements before and after January 6 aren't overbalanced by Biden referring to a "bullseye"!

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Trump was not "convicted...of sexual assault."

He lost a CIVIL defamation case brought by Jean Carrol, a New York writer who claimed he had assaulted her in a Sacks department store.

Losing a civil case, as you know, J.D., is not equivalent to a criminal conviction.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 15

"And yet he is routinely called 'an EXISTENTIAL threat to democracy'."

What bothers me most about that claim is that it presupposes we have a democracy. Do I really need to get into the details? What we have is an oligarchy. If we had a democracy, would Biden and Trump be our two choices?

We aren't even allowed to have a left in this country. Where's the George Galloway in American politics?

It's widely acknowledged now that the DNC conspired to derail Bernie's candidacy and give us Biden instead, a right-winger all his life who started his political career as a Delaware Dixiecrat who opposed school busing to integrate the schools. Let's consider if Joe Biden was ever "a good and decent man", much less a liberal. Glenn Greenwald looks back at the historical record of Biden's detestable career:


The people who control Biden (let's face it, he's no more than a demented meat puppet now) have led us closer to the brink of nuclear war than we have ever been. Former Berniecrat Tulsi Gabbard dismantles Biden’s recent dangerous and dishonest NATO Speech here:


For all Trump's many faults, at least he is human enough not to put the world at risk of nuclear annihilation, especially over issues that could have been readily resolved through diplomacy and negotiation. When he grabs a pu**y, he has enough sense to want it alive.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

“What bothers me most about that claim is that it presupposes we have a democracy.”

I agree completely. I regard our country as more or less a zombie democracy. The Democratic Party is controlled by about 500-ish people whose main purpose is to stay in power and loot the country. Most Republicans perform like “controlled opposition.” It’s theater for the most part.

And yet still certain policies are better (or worse) than others. So I plan to vote for (the actual populist outsider) RFK Jr. as he’s our best hope for protecting free speech, reducing military spending and reforming the treasonous intelligence community. (The irony of Richard is that he has totally bought into the theater.)

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

He's got Trump derangement syndrome. There's no such thing as an unarmed insurrection.

I think a lane is opening for RFK, Jr. He needs SS protection ASAP. It's a disgrace Dementia Joe won't give it to him.

IMO, Jill Stein is the best qualified. She deserves to be heard. Of course I would vote for RFK, Jr over Biden or Trump. If we were serious about democracy, we would have ranked choice voting.

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The Traitorous Orange Turd incited a violent insurrection against our Constitutional Republic and Democracy on 6 January 2021.


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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

A "violent insurrection" carried out by right-wing gun nuts who just happened to leave all their firearms at home. Hmm.

It was a riot by largely disorganized, unarmed citizens who committed trespass and vandalism of a government building. That's not an insurrection.

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Are you a pro-Trump "anti-war leftist"?

The horde that broke into the Capitol building and went looking for Pence and Pelosi, et al., was comprised of under-armed but hardcore insurrectionists.

A few of them did bring their guns. One or two climbed up a tree. A bunch of them rented a motel room a few miles away, iirc. The probable reason more didn't bring theirs was because they knew they would have to pass through a magnetometer or whatever it's called.

Many of the "rioters" came with "bear spray" and improvised weapons, like flag poles and "canes," etc.

Were you one of them?

Many policemen were injured in the "riot."

A gallows was set up for hanging Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Get real, dude.

Question: What was the reason for their "trespass" of the Capitol?

Answer: To prevent the Constitutionally mandated transfer of power from Trump to Biden because Trump and his accomplices, be they "American" or Russian, brainwashed them into believing the election had been stolen from The Traitorous Orange Turd.

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You already know the response — Trump said “go peacefully and patriotically.” So obviously if he also used the term “fight” it was figurative language, as in ,“I will fight for your right to be wrong,” doesn’t mean I plan to beat up someone.

Now what is really curious to me — and more relevant to a JFK stack — is that after January 6th, four “responding officers” committed suicide. This fact was Reiterated in Reuters’ coverage of yesterday‘s assassination attempt..

What are the odds of four suicides do you suppose?

Seems very “JFK playbook” to me — as does a visible, armed man being (somehow!) unimpeded as he climbs up unto an unsecured rooftop and then fires several shots before the (forewarned) security services (rather conveniently) shoot him dead. Fortunately it will be hard to memory hole that BBC interview.

Seems like a lot of irregularities to me just like 1963.

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Fascistic Vladimir Putin cherishes you for the disinformation you spew.

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Who was it that said the election had been stolen from him (after about sixty court cases decided it hadn’t)? Who said, “Come to Washington — it will be wild!”? And who said, “Follow me to the Capitol!” . . . “You’re gonna have to fight like hell or you’re not gonna have a country anymore!” (or words to that effect)? How long did The Traitorous Orange Turd hide out in the White House, laughing at what he was watching live on TV, before he finally told the insurrectionists, “I love you. You’re wonderful people. Go home now”? Hmm?

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Trump and his fascist co-conspirators spent the time after the November election loss to Biden organizing a seditious insurrection - when their illegal election schemes failed, and the 62 cases they filed claiming election fraud and/or serious irregularities ended up with 61 losses in the courts.

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You had a SpyTalk link, which I choose not to subscribe to.. The article endorsed a book about the US Secret Service:

"In her magnificent, 500-page deep dive 2021 book, Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service, three-time Pulitzer winning Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig..."

Based on that endorsement I purchased the Kindle version and find that the book:

Unquestioningly reports Secret Service Agent Kellerman's false claim that JFK shouted "My god, I am hit."

Writes that RFK spoke to Parkland, a conversation I have not read about anywhere else. Please educate me. "In the hospital passageway, Kellerman handed the receiver back to Hill and returned to the trauma room. Then a White House operator cut into the open line.

'The attorney general would like to speak with you,' she told Hill.

Hill heard Robert F. Kennedy’s unsteady voice asking the only thing to ask: 'How bad is it?'

'It’s about as bad as it can get,' Hill replied. He didn’t say that he felt sure Robert’s brother was dead."

She describes the confrontation over Secret Service taking JFK's body from Parkland as "a small victory in a day of horrific loss."

Instead, I see the illegal taking of JFK's body from civilian controlled Parkland Hospital to military controlled Bethesda as the first step in the coverup. I am wrong?

I haven't finished the book. I've just started.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

You are correct.

If the autopsy had been performed in Dallas by the medical examiner, it would have been impossible to claim that JFK hadn't been shot from the front and that there wasn't more than one shooter. That's why the body was taken by gunpoint from Parkland. I recall at the time that it was reported that the Kennedy family wanted the autopsy done in Washington allegedly because they didn't trust that it would be done properly in Dallas. If true, that was the mistake of the century. The whole damn coverup hinges on the phonied up autopsy performed at Bethesda.

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I believe the "ill" should read "killed" when RFK Jr. was describing both his uncle and father (I had to listen closely to that interview on Newsmax).

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

I still cannot find a clear statement of how it is known that the alleged shooter was in fact the shooter. There is circumstantial evidence of this, to be sure, but no one I’ve seen has claimed they saw the gunman fire or that any bullet was recovered anywhere, in the body of the victim who died or elsewhere. Someone please direct me to this information if I’ve missed it.

This is how it always starts with any politically controversial or significant crime, the Kennedy assassination most of all, the veritable Big Bang of political crimes. People, the media, commence speaking about the event immediately after it takes place as if certain fundamental facts about it are known, e.g. Oswald fired the gun from the book depository, Al-Qaeda did 9/11, but we are never given an adequate account of the accuracy of these descriptions while an official or supposedly authoritative story takes flight and assumes a life of its own, which may or may not be true, due to our need, which is innocent enough, to make sense of the event or just to know. This need, of course, is ready-made for manipulation by those who would obscure the truth, though it is not necessarily accompanied by attempts at such manipulation.

If the Kennedy assassination teaches anything, it is that we should be aware of this autonomic social process and, thus informed, should prevent it from being repeated. No more Rushes to Judgment please. If we would be good democrats, we must all learn to a degree to be defense attorneys.

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The quote is not entirely accurate. He's saying: "When my uncle was killed in 1963, there was this kind of division again. There was this kind of hatred when my father was killed." (ill -> killed)

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Too soon.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Numerous witnesses saw the shooter, shouted to the cops, and pointed to him at least two minutes before the first shot was fired. This is either gross negligence on the part of the cops and the Secret Service, or something more sinister. Somebody took a video of the whole thing. THIS IS A MUST-SEE VIDEO:


Where are the interviews with the cop who "retreated" from the shooter and with the counter-snipers who failed to take out the shooter before he had a chance to fire? Why didn't one of the cops alert the SS to remove Trump from the stage immediately? Can the cops be this stupid?

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Let’s turn the focus back to the prime purpose of JFK Facts. I am hoping this personal experience for Donald Trump might guide him to follow thru on the most recent promise to release ALL of the JFK documents ASAP as #47. That is what is needed to put a stake in the “deep state.” That would perhaps begin the journey to restoring some trust in the US government. It will likely be very painful and expose horrors we can barely imagine. It might even be catastrophic. So be it. I want to know the truth and only the truth can start a new page for our “democracy.”

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Jul 15·edited Jul 16

Signs of a set up:


Has the retreating cop been interviewed? I presume he won't be getting an award for valor.

Tucker Carlson was called nuts for predicting this:


Candace Owens smells a rat:


It is being reported that the counter-sniper says that the Secret Service withheld their permission to fire on the assassin until he had already shot several times even though the counter-sniper could have taken him out before he fired his first shot. If true, the blood of the bystander who was killed is on their hands.

Nothing fishy about this thing.

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Here we go. Now we have a problem. Go to work team…


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Indeed, this is exactly who and what we are: a nation founded on violence and maintained by violence to the present day.

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The liberal hate by fellow credible researchers for Trump saddens me in the same vein of conservative hate for JFK. They are the same paving the road to the same results. We researchers should know better but biases and passions run deeper than logic. That’s a shame as that’s a lesson that the assassinations of the 60s should have taught us…

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“This is exactly who we are. This is what we have been becoming since 1963.” Its a scary thought, Jeff.

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It hits me hard.

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Fine piece, Jeff - don’t need to agree with absolutely everything to acknowledge it’s good you wrote this now for our community.

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Clear sober thoughts, thank you. I can think of only this to add. The lesson of the last sixty years must be that transparency needs to trump narratives going forward. I share your skepticism.

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