Imagine that.

Why does it remind me of KGB* "active measures" disinfo ops?

*Today's SVR and FSB

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Apr 25Liked by Peter Voskamp, Chad Nagle

As a special investigator for Jim Garrison, DA of New Orleans, I was there when we went over the arrest record of Lee Harvey Oswald on August 9, 1963. He was arrested with Miguel M. Cruz, age 18 and two others. Not Raphael Cruz (Ted’s father. I’ll send you my copy of the arrest record which will be in my book. — Steve Jaffe, DA investigator Orleans Parish 1967-1968.

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That will be a fascinating read, no doubt.

I think a few of the men in the background of the International Trade Mart images remain unidentified, apart from the “Cruz” character. No arrests were made then, unlike on Canal St. a week earlier.

Personally, I’ve always thought one of them (the guy in the suit) bore an uncanny resemblance to Bill Shelley, Oswald’s supervisor in the Texas School Book Depository. But others disagree.

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Chad you do great work. Let them disagree, they really don't matter. What matters is if you were to find linkage to validate you "thought". File this thought away, it may come in very handy. It seems CIA et al are working hard to prevent the truth from coming out. As can be witnessed here. But then I suspect you would know mare about that than I.

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Many readers of this website are familiar with James Douglas' JFK And The Unspeakable. In it we are exposed to a JFK who moved away from conflict in Southeast Asia. There may have been another side to Kennedy as demonstrated in Danial Harker's article regarding Castro's threat to U.S. policy. Lee Oswald was undoubtedly aware of the terrorism the U.S. thrust upon Cuba's struggling economy and probably the many assassination efforts against Castro. Fidel Castro was brutal in dealing with political opposition but it is possible Oswald found the brutality acceptable or necessary.

I have read that the leaflets handed out by Oswald were purchased by a CIA front business. If true, the CIA was in someway assisting whatever Oswald was doing. Oswald also demonstrated an obsession with supporting the Cuban revolution while in Mexico City. Aware of Oswald, was U.S. intelligence only negligent in monitoring the former defector?

I've read of non specific assertions that Ruby, Tippit and Oswald were familiar with one another. I never gave the notion much thought.

A Youtube video I recently watched by MT Douhit interviews a Ms. X who recounts serving meals to both J.D. Tippit and someone I assume was Oswald. Mike Brownell conducts the interview. I came away thinking Tippit may have been hurrying to 10th Street to meet a special friend when he spotted the fellow he knew who worked at the TSBD. Alerted by radio of the activity in Dealey Plaza, it may be Tippit stopped because of his familiarity with Oswald's place of employment.

The lack of interest in Cuba during investigative efforts may have been a major part of the coverup.

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