Debates and dissenting views are important, sadly RFK Jr is a deeply flawed vehicle for change, though.

THIS*, for example, will come back to haunt him if by some miracle he manages to pose a viable threat to Biden's presumed nomination, and there's much more where that came from:





Excerpt: Politics June 22, 2023

*Just Another RFK Jr. Lie. I Know, Because It’s About Me.

I edited Kennedy’s error-ridden piece on a vaccine-autism link, which Salon later retracted. We caved to the truth, not Big Pharma.

"I’ve been doing my best to ignore the farcical presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. His noxious views on vaccines, the origin of AIDS, the alleged dangers of wi-fi and other forms of junk science deserve no wide hearing. Polls showing he’s favored by 20 percent of likely Democratic voters over President Biden are almost as laughable as Kennedy’s views. It’s early; he’s got iconic American name recognition; and there’s almost always an appetite, among Democrats anyway, for anybody but the incumbent. His lies have been thoroughly debunked by Judd Legum at Popular Info, Michael Scherer in The Washington Post, Naomi Klein in The Guardian, and Brandy Zadrozny on NBC News.

But I’ve come to believe I have a responsibility to write about Kennedy because of my own shameful role in sending his toxic vaccine views into public discourse: I was the Salon editor, in partnership with Rolling Stone, who 18 years ago published his mendacious, error-ridden piece on how thimerosal in childhood vaccines supposedly led to a rise in autism, and how public health officials covered it up. From the day “Deadly Immunity” went up on Salon.com, we were besieged by scientists and advocates showing how Kennedy had misunderstood, incorrectly cited, and perhaps even falsified data. Some of his sources turned out to be known crackpots."

Man oh man, I think you guys WILL realize this is just unavoidable and too much to overcome at some point, but - the sooner the better, that's my respectful dissenting view on what might indeed otherwise have been a worthwhile enterprise!

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Russell says Jean Souetre was definitely there in Dallas. I’ve tried looking into this multiple times and nothing I find establishes this. Where does this come from and is it actually something that can be described as a “definite”?

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Very, very interesting interview. Dick Russell talked about the Four Shooters in Dealey Plaza. He repeated what was said in the Reiner podcast that there was no collaboration amongst the Shooters. This is really hard to believe. I wonder why he is so adamant about no collaboration. It was done with such precision. Surely they also had spotters, and getaway vehicles waiting. Russell also talked about General Charles Willoughby as being the chief architect of the Assassination. We get the same information as was presented in Reiner's podcast about him. I was disappointed Russell was not asked about the Sixth Floor Shooter. It was not Oswald according to the Reiner podcast. The Sixth Floor Shooter angle was also not discussed in any depth in Reiners podcast.

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Another terrific in-depth, informative interview with one of the original JFK researchers. Well done Jeff. The Angleton discussion was extraordinary, with Russell actually breaking bread with him a few times, and you who wrote the definitive book on Angleton.

Also, the book he wrote, The Man Who Knew Too Much, helped the public realize there was more to the story than what they were led to believe.

I fear his friendship and backing of RFK Jr. Is going to turn out problematic for Russell. Besides the dangerous bone headed vaccine theories, today RFK Jr. got on the 2024 Presidential ballots in Georgia and Arizona, which Biden won by a mere 10,000 plus votes in 2020.

Ralph Nader comes to mind. It's not going to end well. Richard Russell is riding on the wrong train and may be responsible for 4 more years of the orange Jesus. 🍊

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Russell makes sense of that which eludes the novice.

It is obvious those who planned this hit made certain they were successful. Those in

Dallas for the express purpose of taking a shot or two at JFK knew the ropes, they were Professionals.

Great stuff, again!

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

It seems to me that in the following video Prof. Jerry Kroth has put the pieces together well based on the available evidence. The subject of the video is LBJ and his motives, but he ties the other players, each with their own motives, together towards the end. LBJ was a cornpone version of Vito Corleone but a lot more deadly.


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