The true JFK assassination background story is what John M. Newman (Morley's "What Jane Roman Said" colleague) says in his 2022 book, "Uncovering Popov's Mole" -- a KGB "mole" by the name of Bruce Leonard Solie (look him up) in CIA's mole hunting Office of Security sent (or duped his confidant, protégé and mole-hunting subordinate, James Angleton, into sending) Lee Harvey Oswald to Moscow in 1959 as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" (Solie) in the wrong part of the CIA.

What Newman and Morley and their Pinko "National Security State"-hating or Neo-Fascist "Deep State"-hating ilk still need to come to grips with is the fact that psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist Oswald, with or without encouragement and/or logistical support from the KGB, killed JFK by firing three shots at him over 10.32 seconds in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza. Oswald's his first, missing-everything shot (which was a steeply-downward-angled one that required him to stand and awkwardly lean forward while firing it) was at hypothetical "Z-124" -- half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming at Z-133 -- as shown in a 2020 scientific study* of the timing of the conscious reactions of witnesses -- including JFK, himself -- to the sound(s) of the first shot -- whereas his second and third shots at farther-down-the-street JFK were "flatter" and allowed him to kneel and rest his left elbow on the top box at the window.

An aspect of the case that substantiates the foregoing "hypothesis" is the fact that the ejection pattern of the three shells found on the Sniper's Nest floor was shown in the reenactment carried out in the National Geographic Special "The Lost Bullet" to reflect Oswald's two different firing positions.

*“Estimating Occult Timing of Surprise Gunshot Sounds in Silent Film via Observed Start of Human Voluntary Reactions of Concern” by Brian Roselle and Kenneth Scearce

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I am intrigued by this Solie character. Can you tell me more?

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What about CE 399, Tommy?

Your entire scenario rests on the impossible single bullet nonsense invented by the late liar, Arlen Specter.

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Regarding CE-399, you, whether you're a Pinko "National Security State"-hating tinfoil hat JFKA conspiracy theorist or a Neo-Fascistic "Deep State"-hating tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorist (you've got to be one or the other), are mistaken.

JBC, sitting on his jump seat, was significantly lower and farther to the left than JFK, and, as can be seen in the Zapruder film, he was turned far to his right when he was hit in the back by CE-399 -- the bullet that had penetrated JFK's lower neck / upper back, nicked the transverse process of his sixth cervical verteba (causing him to automatically raise and splay his elbows outwards in the "Thorburn Position," and which, upon exiting below JFK's Adam's apple, started "yawing" or tumbling (as that kind of bullet has been shown to regularly do when exiting something soft -- like ballistics gel, ballistics "soap" or a human neck). The only hard, thick bone that the supersonic, very-penetrating bullet struck was JBC's radial bone in his wrist. We know it penetrated JBC's wrist backwards because it deposited some fragments of JBC's clothing in the wound. The bullet struck his wrist bone tangentially or butt-end first (as attested to by the surgeon who operated on the wound, Dr. Gregory), causing deformation of its rear 1/3 or so, and also causing it to lose some of its lead core as well.

-- Tom

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Hey, this Solie guy, seriously, it is ringing bells for me. Please tell me more.

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To read my rejected-by-Wikipedia ("because not enough established authors have written about him") article on Solie, do the following:

1) Google "bruce leonard solie."

2) Click on the top article in the Google "hit list."

3) Scroll down to section "B" and click on "Draft talk: Bruce Leonard Solie"

4) Click on the word "Draft" in the upper left-hand corner.

5) Read it.

. . . . . .

Hey, I've written about Solie in two or three of my 126 Substack posts. Have you read them yet? You'll find them on my Substack page, "How the KGB Zombified the CIA and the FBI."

I suppose at last resort you could always read John M. Newman's 2008 edition (the one with the anti-Angleton "Epilogue") of "Oswald and the CIA" and Tennent H. Bagley's free-to-read book, "Spy Wars" (Google "spy wars" and "archive" simultaneously) for background, and Newman's 2022 book (which he dedicated to Bagley), "Uncovering Popov's Mole," for the details -- but which you're gonna have to pay about 35 bucks for at Amazon because, unlike Bagley's "Spy Wars" and his 2014 follow-up PDF, "Ghosts of the Spy Wars," it ain't free-to-read on the Internet.


I hope that helps you in your desperate search for more information on "evil, evil, evil" James Angleton's confidant, mentor and mole-hunting boss -- "dour, plodding, risk-averse" Bruce Solie.


-- Tom

PS You might also want to Google "malcolm blunt" and "nosenko" simultaneously so you can watch Blunt's 2021 interview on YouTube about KGB false defector Yuri Nosenko and, near the end, BRUCE SOLIE !!!

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Your article states that Jefferson Morley was a CIA officer. Is there a source for that?

There are some very bizarre parallels I see with Solie. It appears likely you are on to something.

Also you write that Solie visited Paris twice in 1962. Giancana visited Rubirosa in Paris in ‘63. Douglas Bazata lived in Paris. Some of the training for the assassination happened outside of Paris.

There is KGB involvement, but I haven’t figured out the extent. This Solie bit might help me to figure it out.

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In my humble opinion, it's a pity that you're trying to reconcile Bagley's, Newman's and Blunt's observations and findings with your apparent "The Mafia Did it" theory.

It's much more likely that a sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, with or without encouragement or logistical support from the KGB, killed JFK all by himself by firing three shots at him over 10.32 seconds in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza.

"Some of the training for the assassination happened outside of Paris."



Did Giancana or OSS veteran Bazata meet with KGB General Mikhail Tsymbal while they were there?

Why does Bazata's alleged diary remind me of the yet-to-be-authenticated "1963 datebook of Jean-Pierre Lafitte"?

-- Tom

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WHICH article?

If I said Jefferson "I Hate the CIA and Yuri Nosenko Was a True Defector" Morley was a CIA officer, it was an obvious mistake on my part.

It's my understanding that Morley is very anti-CIA, and anti-"evil, evil, evil" James Angleton (whom Newman says was duped by KGB "mole" Bruce Solie for many years), in particular.

-- Tom

PS Have you started watching Bart "The Xxxx" Kamp's 10 September 2021 YouTube interview of Malcolm Blunt, yet, or reading any of the books, PDFs, Substack articles, or that rejected-by-Wikipedia draft I recommended to you?

-- Tom

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