Great interview with some eye opening details. There is some audio issues on Jeff's side that are unfortunately unintelligible but you can use context clues.

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Dr. McClelland was a very credible eyewitness to the treatment of the president's wounds at Parkland.

I was not aware of the JAMA smear job in 1992, but it does not surprise me.

As the interview notes, Dr. Crenshaw, who was a surgical resident and who placed JFK in his casket, and Dr. Perry, who performed the tracheotomy and who was called "an artist" by Dr. Crenshaw, i.e., a surgeon who would never leave a sloppy gaping incision in the neck, had to leave Dallas for a time. He told his partner at Cornell that he was pressured to disavow his earlier statements on the origin of the gunshots. As Jeff points out, Dr. Crenshaw was also harrased, and successfully sued JAMA for defamatory comments.

And don't forget Dr. George Burkley, JFK's personal physician and the only doctor present at both Parkland and Bethesda. The Warren Commission declined to question him. He later said the details of the wounds and the autopsy were matters "on which I would not wish to comment." He left the USA for Switzwerland after the assassination. His family agreed to provide his personal papers to investigators, but later rescinded the offer.

Rankin, Liebler, Specter and the rest of the Comnmission legal staff made sure no conflicting medical evidence would ever see the light of day. Now they are all dead and the evidence, bit by bit, IS emerging. Truth will out...it always does (except for Jimmy Hoffa - "somebody would have talked," but they would have ended up in a 55 gallon oil drum in Biscayne Bay.)

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Burkley was a coward. By withholding what he knew was the truth, he betrayed his patient ("Et tu, Brute?"). On the other hand, his life most likely was threatened, perhaps even the lives of his family, as was the life of his daughter probably after his death, who at first agreed to allow Burkley's lawyer to release her father's papers and who then very quickly changed her mind. This is the kind of country we live in, where government and law enforcement officials threaten the lives of citizens, even murdering them sometimes, in order to achieve their ends. It's the Fourth Reich, not George Bailey's Bedford Falls.

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Great comment. One correction...it was Dr. Finke who moved to Swizerland. I've never read anything about Burkley moving there.

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I have a doctor friend who had a very small, private practice. His main occupation was heading one of the very biggest medical research programs. Twenty years ago this program was just under a billion dollars.

He was complaining about the vehicle congestion while driving to work. I gave him a two cd interview with Dr. McClellan. He told me he knew nothing about the assassination. A week later we saw each other and he approached with a giant grin while exclaiming, "So there really was a conspiracy."

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Not one mainstream media outlet made the case for conspiracy based on what the Parkland doctors and staff saw with their own eyes. Why? (This was decades before the consolidation of media ownership.)

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Precisely the reason I believe that McClelland’s story remains relevant--- critical factual evidence has been dismissed, underreported, or misrepresented--

And as Stone has noted--because the same assertions keep being repeated without further investigation by the ones who repeat it.

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Spot on! Well said.

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Because CIA Operation Mockingbird had infiltrated all of the press and mainstream media at that time. Bernstein wrote the CIA had over 400 secret assets in the media. Google THE CIA AND THE MEDIA by Bernstein.

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We need entirely new history textbooks.

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I am assuming most people here watched all four parts of the extended version of Oliver Stone's last documentary. This is a very thorough review of the 3rd chapter, which focused on the hospital and the chain of custody for the bullet and JFK's brain matter and skull. https://greenbaybobfox.wordpress.com/2022/05/31/a-review-of-oliver-stones-jfk-destiny-betrayed-chapter-3/

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Was there even one doctor in the ER who saw Kennedy's head wound who disputed that there was a fist-sized hole in the back of his head? Not that I know of. There was one doctor who later gave greater credence to the phony autopsy photos than his own memory.

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Jefferson, lovely interview interview however your sound quality at your end reflects poor bandwidth. Whilst your guest’s voice quality was absolutely clear, yours was inaudible for much of the interview. Maybe related to your ISP, router etc. cheers and thanks.

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Alison was wondering if her dad testified to the HSCA. I just did a search on MFF and it doesn't appear he was interviewed by or testified to them.

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Can you imagine the flood of memories this lady is experiencing during this interview.

This man had plenty of pride and held his discipline as the ultimate professional .

JAMA folded under pressure but should have or better yet retract everything said in the article discussed here. Otherwise they have lost their professionalism.

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