JFK knew his Irish history well and easily identified with similar nationalist struggles around the world. One of many unique points of view that made him an exceptional president.

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What an amazing conversation. There really needs to be a new and comprehensive book on JFKs Anti-colonial tendencies and the difference with Johnson

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Author

I would highly recommend the Roger Hilsman book on JFK's foreign policy. It's an older book, a good read by someone that was there, and does overall back up what Jim is saying in this podcast. As far as Vietnam, it seems clear that JFK had a withdrawal plan. A recent book by the UVA Miller Center titled The Kennedy Withdrawal - is one exception. It has lots of new evidence that the withdrawal was real, but makes the assertion that it was actually MNamara's plan and desire to withdrawal instead of JFK's. It simply asserts that with no evidence and ignore's McNamara's statements about it and Roswell Gilpatric's interview done with the JFK Library - both saying it was JFK's driving it and MNamara doing it for him. I think we are going to learn a lot from the documents over the next few years as more people study them and talk about them with each other. There was a reason Nixon wanted files on the "bay of pigs."

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I believe most of us realize that CIA has something they want to keep secret. Why would that be?

I believe they presume the "secret" they refuse to release all associated documents related to is a ruse. I also believe the info will clarify the issue of CIA allowing JFK to be murdered. The events in Dallas were not random failures but instead by deliberate inaction and dereliction of duty by key individuals who were responsible for the Presidents safety. These actions were in no way beneficial to the nation, quite the opposite in my opinion.

Here in lies their problem, they fully realize should proof beyond a reasonable doubt be revealed the Agency and those agents in administrative positions will be revealed to have have engaged in actions which are punishable by law.

The secret CIA and DOJ fear to be revealed is not who fired the fatal shoots, which as callous as it seems, which is a secondary legal issue to the direct cause of JFK's death. His murder was allowed to happen and then covered up. This is the crime here the government and nation were subjected to an effort for CIA to maintain it's position of power. The death of JFK facilitated a take over and the coverup protected the actions of a agency steeped in service to self and the super wealthy of the world.

We see now that CIA IS implicated and always has been by their active denials, lies and withholding of direct knowledge of the events leading up to the killing and the ensuing coverup activities, many of which are common knowledge currently.

I write here often about how the puzzle here, if it were a painting or photograph or a screen shot, becomes more complete by the addition of more pieces to the mosaic revealing more and more of the original, desired, image. The image to be revealed upon completion of the puzzle. A predominate portion of that image is currently readily available upon viewing, that is analyzing the events and their repercussions.

I left this so my detractors will see I'm not apologetic but honest. [ I see this as no different, with the exception here being this story, the true picture of which, will be complete enough to remove any doubt clouding the understanding of the complete picture as the facts and evidence presented reveal with respect to understanding the mental picture those facts represent. ] In reference to the proceeding here - I lost my way beat me like an old rug!

What I failed to do is relay my belief that the work here of so many is paying huge dividends to the truth of what is a large problem killing the country. I came to this fight late in life and have learned an enormous volume by engaging in it. I feel that sometimes too many fail to see the benefits this work is providing.

It's a can't see the forest for the trees thing.

In my opinion, huge areas of DOJ have been compromised by the system itself as it wrestles with internal problems of the exact nature of what we are dealing with here. Baggage, consisting of predominately spoiled garbage and the rotting remains of humans.

A stinking mess in the annuls of U.S. history created by a rogue agency putting down one democratically elected government after another. CIA's idea that foreign policy should first and foremost actions that throw struggling nations into total turmoil to facilitate the parasitic practice of consuming for personal and political gain whatever remains of any value.

CIA - Chaos Instituted by America - More precisely Chaos Instituted by America's rogue ultra secret spy/intelligence agency which paralyzed the Department of Justice early on intentionally.

The picture of what has happened is clear to me at this point, which is not to say the fight is won or over, but instead this clarity empowers the further fight.

Towards the end here [ ~ 41:50 in ] James and Jeff discuss the legal ramifications not otherwise addressed. Treatment of the evidence. The lack of any standard by which testimony by witnesses, collection of evidence, presentation of evidence could be judged.

The standards of evidence, civil standard; the preponderance of evidence, administrative standard; clear and convincing, criminal standard; beyond a shadow of doubt, were never in play during the investigations.

The reality is, the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee had no standards.

This reveals the major influencing methods used by CIA et al to obfuscate the entire story behind the murder of President John F. Kennedy.

Heads up Here: https://news.lettlesis.org Kirkland & Ellis: The lawe firm behind the Frump Barr power grab at DOJ.

Read the above or not but this is an example of how perverted the DOJ has become.

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The more I pay attention to John F Kennedy as a Canadian the more I realize how much of a great man he was. How many Presidents have a street named after him. We have a Kennedy Avenue in Toronto.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Terrific episode. Paul bleau has done some terrific work in the book, Chokeholds, on the previous plots, and he points out that there were fall guys in each city all connected to the Fair Play for Cuba committee, and in some cases, similar military backgrounds to Oswald's.

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Yes, I stated the obvious about the Warren Commission and all that followed, in my Mar 12 rant.

The point is the secret intelligence arm of our government has been witnessed to be void of any standards sorely depended on by our type of government. A fact that we are reminded of frequently by our perverse leadership.

"Our country is a country of laws." This we hear constantly from those who chose these days to rule rather than represent.

I Believe much of the decline we witness in government these days is directly related. The exposure of the high jacking of foreign policy shielded by CIA through the use of absolute secrecy. The mendacious practices of the agency are very well documented at this point in history. It has in no way served the nation well.

These activities have been responsible for the degradation of the representation our elected officials are expected to provide.

This activity of ruling, which is the modus operandi favored and implemented as standard operating procedures by CIA and other agencies relying on secrecy to facilitate their actions in spite of the public interests instead, or representing the national interest of the American society as a whole must stop and it must stopped very soon.

Forcing the issues at hand with respect to the unsavory, illegal and bloody past of CIA activities must be unmasked ASAP!

This will be the result of getting to the truth of CIA actions involved in the murder of JFK. The true reason behind government stonewalling and exerting authoritarian principles to quash the curiosity and suspicions of the populace.

One particular paragraph in my Mar 12 offering gave me fits. I'll make an effort to clarify that point in an edit.

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