So glad she came on.. loved the book.. however wish they would have discussed the two things I was hoping Jefferson could add his insight to..

Who was QJWIN?


Was ZRRifle possibly strictly the JFK operation since it started after Lumumba and others and did Harvey just pretend it was an all consuming assassination program as a way to distract from jfk?

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To the portion of Jeff's write up about June Cobb and assassination attempts on Castro - I recently read in a Fonzi document something I found interesting - the apartment that he said Veciana's group planned an assassination of Castro out of was described by Fonzi as one that 'a female intelligence officer had recently abandoned.' Fonzi stated that Escalante, from Cuban Intelligence, had been suspicious of said female intelligence officer and thus was well aware of the apartment she had abandoned, and thus had it on his radar which allowed him to thwart the group's assassination attempt.

That female intelligence officer had to have been June Cobb, right?

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This book is just so fascinating and well-researched. Highly recommend. Contains many clues and possible answers about the background of relevant characters. And this is a worthy interview. Thanks so much.

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This is a fabulous book. The journey into the CIA labyrinth is mind blowing, and the conclusions and evidence convinced me of June Cobb's integral role in the assassination.

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Agreed, Terry - and it opens up again a key question; i.e., flights/vehicles out of Dallas after the assassination. Haverstick’s material about Redbird is compelling and important.

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Tremendous book and great interview. Like Jeff, I rolled my eyes at the big reveal and nearly didn’t read the book as a result after reading the spoiler. After reading the book, I found it a compelling theory worthy of further consideration. I hope there is a follow up discussion of Mary’s research into QJWIN which underpins her theory. Subplots on potential Judy Campbell and Ruth Paine aliases also deserve further follow up. This is an excellent book to recommend outside of the JFK community. It has a gripping narrative that is accessible and compelling to even the uninitiated.

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I thought the bit about Jerrie being in Mexico City during the conference or event featuring famous astronauts or other individuals from various countries that ventured into space, including female Russian space travelers, when she had been offered the invitation to continue the training she testified she had been blocked from engaging in. Also, how June Cobb at that time was also in Mexico City and directing her publisher/reporter contacts to cover the event was interesting as well...

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I've read the book twice, parts 3x. It's excellent, opens up all kinds of interesting angles on dual identities. (I'm especially interested in the intersections between June/Jerrie Cobb in their documented Oklahoma lives. Hope others will do more work on this.) I agree with Jeff's unhappiness about putting Jerrie/June into Dealey Plaza: heavily speculative, distracting from the plausible, powerful story.

A quick note: in her book A Woman Into Space, Jerrie Cobb writes about her father, at one point emphasizing his full name: William Harvey Cobb (ch 4, p 23).

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It was so nice to hear a female voice Haverstick on the Podcast. I think it is entirely possible Cobb was in Dealey Plaza knowing what was going to happen. R. Reiner names ten people among many known to be there. There is a theoretical possibility she was the Babuska Lady. Or perhaps she was there sans Babuska like others knowing what was going to happen. I dont believe Haverstick mentioned why her movie on the first female astronaut candidate never got made. Also we've always wondered how the assassins got in, and out of Dallas. Flights and vehicles. Jerry Cobb according to Haverstick was piloting a plane ready to take off at Redbird on 22/11/63. There were more people than we thought on the ground in Dallas.

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For a span of at least 15 years, I have spoken at JFK conferences and written extensively in university-supported academic journals and in conventionally published book length studies of the JFK horror about how intel services create two -- or more -- mirror-image versions of major operations. The objectives are to disinform researchers, historians, formal law enforcement and citizen investigators, and indeed history itself -- fatal diversions that become short- and long-term force multipliers supporting vastly outnumbered conspirators.

I have termed this strategy the Doppelganger Gambit. It is noted throughout JFK conspiracy analyses: two -- or more -- mutually canceling individuals and/or actions. A partial list: Oswalds, rifles, resuscitation efforts, autopsies, sets of still and moving images, formal USG investigations (drawing conflicting, irreconcilable conclusions), suspects ... and one common effect.

The June Cobb story begs for inclusion by us in shared efforts to understand the Doppelganger Gambit. Except there aren't any.

In my Afterword to the late H.P. Albarelli, Jr.'s problematic but time and again simply brilliant "Coup in Dallas" (Skyhorse), I discuss how an anonymous intel officer told him that the CIA often created near-identical multiple iterations of the same operation, but that only one was going to be implemented.

The classic, stunningly revelatory JFK example: the so-called Chicago "plot" producing universally acknowledged structural Dallas doppelgangers that have no tactical purpose other than to support a Doppelganger Gambit provocation designed to protect the Dallas op's flank.

More later.

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I read an interesting book called American crossroads, recently released. The first half and other portions are very strong but the book goes on to lack coherency and connective tissue towards the end.

That said, it does an excellent job tackling the drama of “Harry L. Power”. What struck me reading your post is that the author went on to locate the names of other folks who checked into hotel that night and one person seemed to be a former intelligence officer. When his name is researched, he has a strange site dedicated to the concept of doppelgängers. Weirder yet, he links to an old twilight zone episode that depicted, 10 years earlier, an incredibly similar story as that which was reported for Harry power (or someone using his Alias). Seems a bit out there but the Power events were under researched.

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There was another guy in Bloomington, IN at IU named John Robert Glenn, possibly connected (who knows!) to Harry Power. Rather than attempt to explain the possible convoluted connections between the two, i'll just leave a link to his story below. Wilderness of Mirrors, indeed. I find this all very fascinating because I grew up near Terre Haute, live in Bloomington, and am an IU alumna. Sorta creepy to think this guy lived in B-town ...and possibly still does if he's still alive (will have to do a genealogical workup on him: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48768#relPageId=7

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That's wild! Can you post the info about this intel guy - ie his name and the l link to his doppelganger site?

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Let me see if I can dig it up from the book.

The book cites to this page - https://fusionanomaly.net/doppelganger.html

He searched for a name that had been in the records as one who had stayed at the Terre haute hotel on 11/30, shortly after Power checked out. Apparently the name, Paul Grindstead, was related to the doppelgänger website because it covers a twilight zone story where the main character is Grinstead and essential components of Power’s story had also been told - bud station ticket booth disappearance down an ally, for example. The book is a bit all over the place but it really dives into Power and the Terre haute hotel.

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Linda - in an old post you stated the following:

“I believe the shooter was lying prone in the back of a USPS ZipVan (postal van) backed up to the treeline in the Terminal Annex Pkg lot, and shooting out of a small opening in the roll-up door. I found it there in the Couch Film in 2016. It is parked right next to the east side of the 2nd tree from the south end of the TUP. It can only be seen for a split second in the Couch Film. And coincidentally (or not) the van is parked smack in the center of Sherry's "trajectory cone".”

I have been fascinated by the south knoll but unable to locate the van in the Couch Film. Do you have any stilL of it you can share?

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Thank you.

Can you direct me to the Doppelganger website?

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It's a great book. Riveting. I agree that the Jerri/June Cobb identity is fascinating and deserves more research. The QJWIN/ZRRIFLE analysis is thinner, and I think the Babushka stuff is over the top. The narrative style of QJWIN was helpful to me. It helped me better understand the program.

Haverstick also furthered our understanding of CIA methods used to falsify identities and disguise records.

In her interview with Jeff she does a much better job of describing how her research opens up new ground on QJWIN and impeaches CIA official testimony. The book doesn't really "position" its story this way at all.

I was EXTREMELY disappointed that Haverstick did not press Jerri much, much, MUCH, **MUCH** harder on exactly what "June" knew about the assassination and why "people would never believe her. " Try me. I might believe her. But for God's sake, try. The admission about being at Redbird airport seems secondary to me.

Jerri opened the door. She said that "June" probably knew who killed JFK. How can you NEVER ask the obvious follow-up question??!!!! How can one uncover a credible individual central to or immediately peripheral to the assassination, and not squeeze however gracefully or firmly to learn what "June" knew. I can't help feeling that Jerri wanted to disclose.

This work reminds us that there may be central players still around, but the window for finding them is rapidly closing.

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One follow-up. There are hints about "military intelligence" being involved. That's how Haverstick first becomes suspicious of Jerri, and later "CIC" is presumed to have the power to "disappear" potential CIA issues surrounding "June Cobb's" legend , yet Haverstick doesn't indicate whether or not she followed those leads and showed no curiosity about why Military Intelligence approached her to suppress records 50 years after the event.

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The proposition that Cobb could be both the Redbird pilot and the Babushka lady seems illogical. She can't be in a plane with the engine running for an extended time and also in Dealey Plaza. I found it puzzling that she did not question Cobb as to where she went in the plane. I think I have also read that the plane returned to Redbird later that day

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Chapter 10.4 details a report of a private twin-engine plane arriving in Mexico City that night with someone who was headed to Cuba. A Cuban airliner was delayed 5hrs waiting for the planes arrival.

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Does that tie into the flight G. Lopez (who had moved to Tampa from Cuba and is often referenced as an "alternative patsy" due to possible FPCC ties) took out of Mexico City around the time of the assassination? I remember reading other researchers had tracked his story and his travels and the consensus was that his story was ultimately not suspicious by itself.

But I just can't remember if the 5-hour plane delay tied into the flight Lopez got on or if I heard about it separately and independently from reading about Lopez's story (I do remember reading about it long before reading about it again recently in Haverstick's "A Woman I Know.")

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Yes, I think that's the plane Gilberto Policarpo Lopez got on to fly to Cuba.

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Sorry, I’m not familiar with that story and it is not mentioned in this book.

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I think Mary, in her book, was suggesting that Cobb lied to her about staying at Redird Bird airport, but instead was in Dealey Plaza. I have problems with it being June Cobb firing some kind of camera device and sending a bullet into the head of JFK, but to be fair to Mary, she’s not overly dogmatic about this position. She wants to put it on the table, because she’s right that there has never been enough research done on the Babushka Lady. That being said, Beverly, Oliver has made a cottage industry and a little bit of money in the process claiming that she was the Babushka Lady. I would ask anyone who believes that to simply find a picture of Beverly Oliver in 1963 and compare it to the Babushka Lady and it is laughable. I’ve never understood why Beverly Oliver wasn’t out years ago for being a fraud , but I guess there are bigger fish to fry. Just my take on it.

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Yes, it seems a fascinating book and one worth exploring further...the whole June and Jeri Cobb nexus and how it plays into what Angleton refers to as the CIA’s “wilderness of mirrors” and its implications for the JFKA. I would just suggest bracketing off the whole Babushka Lady theory.

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I've listened to the Haverstick interview twice. I however have not read the book. Who is QJWIN/ZRRIFLE?

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