On RFK, jrs candidacy, I'd agree he needs to get focused on the essential issues of governance and not be totally reactive to the evils in the world. He needs to have a positive vision. If you follow his messages on Twitter and in his speeches, he is totally against Trump's policies. Trump was behind "Operation Warp Speed" along with agency/corporate hacks Alex Azar and Scott Gottlieb.
On the vaccines, they will in time be shown to the mainstream to have been ill conceived and damaging with poor quality control. The mRNA technology is proving to be a bad platform. And if you want to follow the vaccine issues, Alex Berenson the former NY Times writer is good, as well as major doctors and vaccine specialists such as Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, "Amidwesterdoctor", Igor Chudov--they all write on Substack and are quite good.
Speaking of new files, here's a new CIA declassified doc just released June 13th from 1968 in which CIA agent David Atlee Philips requests a "discreet inquiry" into the retention of "defense counsel" pertaining to the "arrest of Orlando BOSCH and other Cuban Power associates". Bosch was convicted for his leadership role as part of the conspiracy that perpetrated the terrorist bombing of the Cuban civilian Cubana airline plane that killed 73 people in 1976. He later escaped from an Venezuelan prison and was permitted to remain forever at large in order to perpetrate numerous other criminal terrorist bombings and terrorist acts with impunity as an agent/asset of "The Company." I wonder what he and his "Cuban Power associates" were arrested for in 1968 that obligated Philips to discreetly provide him and his associates with a CIA vetted and approved lawyers for their defense counsel retainer? On second thought, maybe they were arrested for something petty like shoplifting or some other such sundry misdemeanor, never mind. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=235148#relPageId=1 and https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2016-10-06/bombing-cuban-jetliner-40-years-later
On RFK, jrs candidacy, I'd agree he needs to get focused on the essential issues of governance and not be totally reactive to the evils in the world. He needs to have a positive vision. If you follow his messages on Twitter and in his speeches, he is totally against Trump's policies. Trump was behind "Operation Warp Speed" along with agency/corporate hacks Alex Azar and Scott Gottlieb.
On the vaccines, they will in time be shown to the mainstream to have been ill conceived and damaging with poor quality control. The mRNA technology is proving to be a bad platform. And if you want to follow the vaccine issues, Alex Berenson the former NY Times writer is good, as well as major doctors and vaccine specialists such as Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, "Amidwesterdoctor", Igor Chudov--they all write on Substack and are quite good.
Speaking of new files, here's a new CIA declassified doc just released June 13th from 1968 in which CIA agent David Atlee Philips requests a "discreet inquiry" into the retention of "defense counsel" pertaining to the "arrest of Orlando BOSCH and other Cuban Power associates". Bosch was convicted for his leadership role as part of the conspiracy that perpetrated the terrorist bombing of the Cuban civilian Cubana airline plane that killed 73 people in 1976. He later escaped from an Venezuelan prison and was permitted to remain forever at large in order to perpetrate numerous other criminal terrorist bombings and terrorist acts with impunity as an agent/asset of "The Company." I wonder what he and his "Cuban Power associates" were arrested for in 1968 that obligated Philips to discreetly provide him and his associates with a CIA vetted and approved lawyers for their defense counsel retainer? On second thought, maybe they were arrested for something petty like shoplifting or some other such sundry misdemeanor, never mind. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=235148#relPageId=1 and https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2016-10-06/bombing-cuban-jetliner-40-years-later
It seems likely Bosch would have been involved in the assassination.
He certainly would have liked to have been involved, that's for sure.