My true feelings, but you can get all paranoiac if you want to.
Question: Do you, like Comrade Morley, believe Yuri "The KGB Had Nothing to Do with Oswald in the USSR" Nosenko was a true defector and that evil, evil, evil James JESUS Angleton was the mastermind of the assassination?
When will you and Jeff come to realize that the Single Bullet Theory was correct, that JFK's head when forward and down about 2.33 inches between Z-312 and Z-313, that JFK's slowish back-and-to-the-left movement after Z-313 was due to his catastrophic neuromuscular reaction to having the right side of his brain destroyed, that Oswald's first, missing-everything, shot was around hypothetical Z-124 (i.e., about half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming), that the little sharpshooting, self-described Marxist therefore took about ten seconds altogether to fire all three shots in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza, and that the three autopsy doctors were correct when they said the only entrance wound in JFK's skull was 2.5 centimeters to the right of and a little above his external occipital protuberance?
But more generally, when will you (if you are a general conspiracy theorist) realize that you've been brainwashed by sixty-plus years of KGB* disinformation, "active measures," and strategic deception counterintelligence operations waged against us and our NATO allies?
Please cite peer-reviewed medical literature to support your "catastrophic neuromuscular reaction" theory.
(Hint: there is none.) It was a concoction of the proven liar, Luis Alvarez , he of the mellon shooter stunts. I think you can get 2 for 1 at the campus bars in Berkely.
And stop calling Jeff Morley "commrade." He might bring up those rumors about you and the Soviet gymnasts if you piss him off.
Please cite your sources that a bullet can slam a person backwards.
Why should I stop calling Morley "Comrade," given the fact that he (and James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio and Oliver Stone, et al. ad nauseam) is undoubtedly one of Vladimir Putin's favorite "useful idiots"?
Show me how a high-powered bullet can enter at the 3rd thoracic vertebra in the back (on the death certificate by Admiral Berkley) at a steep downward angle and exit just below the Adams Apple. A zig down, zang up and zig down within a few inches without hitting any bone on the route.
Is the third thoracic vertebra the one that's fourteen centimeters below the tip of the mastoid process, like Dr. Boswell said the location of the entry wound was?
CERTAINLY, I am not the CIA/KGB Guru! I’m a hands-on ballistics type. I believe your ship will sink in the near future. For me, you are WAY TOO MUCH BLUSTER.
The fact that I can't hide my feelings about virtual (if not actual) KGB* agents like Morley, DiEugenio and Stone has nothing to do with the fact that I know what I'm talking about regarding the JFK assassination, and specifically how it was committed by a sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist and former Marine U-2 radar operator by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald three years after a KGB "mole" by the name of Bruce Solie in the CIA's mole-hunting Office of Security had sent (or duped his confidant, protégé, and mole-hunting subordinate, James Angleton, into sending) him to Moscow as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" (Solie) in the wrong part of the CIA.
Gag me with a KGB* spoon, Comrade Morley.
*Today's SVR and FSB
Is this a false-flag operation or a direct affront?
My true feelings, but you can get all paranoiac if you want to.
Question: Do you, like Comrade Morley, believe Yuri "The KGB Had Nothing to Do with Oswald in the USSR" Nosenko was a true defector and that evil, evil, evil James JESUS Angleton was the mastermind of the assassination?
When will you and Jeff come to realize that the Single Bullet Theory was correct, that JFK's head when forward and down about 2.33 inches between Z-312 and Z-313, that JFK's slowish back-and-to-the-left movement after Z-313 was due to his catastrophic neuromuscular reaction to having the right side of his brain destroyed, that Oswald's first, missing-everything, shot was around hypothetical Z-124 (i.e., about half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming), that the little sharpshooting, self-described Marxist therefore took about ten seconds altogether to fire all three shots in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza, and that the three autopsy doctors were correct when they said the only entrance wound in JFK's skull was 2.5 centimeters to the right of and a little above his external occipital protuberance?
But more generally, when will you (if you are a general conspiracy theorist) realize that you've been brainwashed by sixty-plus years of KGB* disinformation, "active measures," and strategic deception counterintelligence operations waged against us and our NATO allies?
*Today's SVR and FSB
Please cite peer-reviewed medical literature to support your "catastrophic neuromuscular reaction" theory.
(Hint: there is none.) It was a concoction of the proven liar, Luis Alvarez , he of the mellon shooter stunts. I think you can get 2 for 1 at the campus bars in Berkely.
And stop calling Jeff Morley "commrade." He might bring up those rumors about you and the Soviet gymnasts if you piss him off.
Please cite your sources that a bullet can slam a person backwards.
Why should I stop calling Morley "Comrade," given the fact that he (and James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio and Oliver Stone, et al. ad nauseam) is undoubtedly one of Vladimir Putin's favorite "useful idiots"?
Cite evidence that Putin knows who DiEugenio and Oliver stone are?
You didn't know Stone and Putin were chums?
Putin cherishes anyone who wittingly or unwittingly promotes KGB* disinformation operations as much as DiEugenio and Stone do.
*Today's SVR and FSB
Show me how a high-powered bullet can enter at the 3rd thoracic vertebra in the back (on the death certificate by Admiral Berkley) at a steep downward angle and exit just below the Adams Apple. A zig down, zang up and zig down within a few inches without hitting any bone on the route.
How steep of a downward angle do you reckon it was?
Is the third thoracic vertebra the one that's fourteen centimeters below the tip of the mastoid process, like Dr. Boswell said the location of the entry wound was?
You tell me first how often a bullet slams someone backwards due to its own kinetic energy.
CERTAINLY, I am not the CIA/KGB Guru! I’m a hands-on ballistics type. I believe your ship will sink in the near future. For me, you are WAY TOO MUCH BLUSTER.
I'm sobbing uncontrollably.
When insults are primary debating tool, you’re lost at the start
The fact that I can't hide my feelings about virtual (if not actual) KGB* agents like Morley, DiEugenio and Stone has nothing to do with the fact that I know what I'm talking about regarding the JFK assassination, and specifically how it was committed by a sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist and former Marine U-2 radar operator by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald three years after a KGB "mole" by the name of Bruce Solie in the CIA's mole-hunting Office of Security had sent (or duped his confidant, protégé, and mole-hunting subordinate, James Angleton, into sending) him to Moscow as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" (Solie) in the wrong part of the CIA.
*Today's SVR and FSB