I was near the end of this rebroadcast while checking out at a large grocery store. I looked over at the magazine rack and saw a tabloid called “The Globe” that had a big photo of Biden and proclaimed (in a large font) that he was hiding information about JFK’s murder.

Maybe this paper is tin-foil-hat-league or maybe it is, in the immortal words of Tommy Lee Jones to Will Smith, “the best investigative reporting on the planet.” 😁

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Tabloids have a roll to play.

Best not to underestimate...

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I listened, learned and enjoyed the conversations. Good stuff,

I need to catch up on the recent past I have missed.

The relaxed ambiance honors the dedicated veterans of this immense effort. The best of the rest dedicated to this subject..

The legal argument ruling associated with legal jurisdiction over records, how does the jurisdiction in anyway supersede the right of the public to access this information? This is not transparent to me or others. Legal wrangling designed to confuse, distort or otherwise obfuscate the issues in the minds of the public, lame , bogus ostentatious display by the government authoritarianism of claiming to have government sanctioned innate superior vision, wisdom of what history "we the people " should know, according to them. Nothing more.

Why should the public be denied the official record held by a public servance office of public information? This is an example of the needless legal wrangling that cost us all billions.. If the recent Ohio vote on constitutional amendments by college age voters holds up this game may change. very quickly.

Thanks everybody.

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Anything tonight in terms of a discussion?

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