JFK Facts
JFK Facts Podcast
JFK Facts Podcast: Vetting Paul Landis

JFK Facts Podcast: Vetting Paul Landis

A conversation with James Robenalt, the lawyer/historian who reported the Secret Service man's JFK story
James Robenalt, litigator and historian. (Credit: Thompson Hine)

Larry and I speak with James Robenalt, corporate litigator and popular historian, about his friend Paul Landis, the Secret Service man whose story about his actions on November 22, 1963 has raised more doubts of the official “lone gunman” theory of JFK’s assassination.

Landis book, FInal Witness, will be publicly available tomorrow October 11.


JFK Facts
JFK Facts Podcast
The latest in news and analysis of JFKs assassination and the official secrecy that still obscures the full history of November 22.
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