The Usher of the theater told me in 93 that the cops took Oswald's double out the back door about 5 minutes after they took Oswald out the front as he showed me the door. He also said Oswald was there before the Tippit shooting, sold him popcorn and he was dropped off in a Volkswagen.

The landlady said he left the house with a dark-colored jacket while the jacket held up by a cop for a film was white. Buell Frazer says the package Oswald took in his car was too short to be even a disassembled rifle. The Only witness who saw the last shot from the window saw no scope, gunsmoke, or recoil. witnesses who saw 2 men on that floor before the Motorcade arrived saw a man holding a rifle without a scope. Buell Frazer said Oswald came out from behind the TSBD while Officer Craig and other witnesses later saw Oswald or a look-alike run down the slope and get into a Nash Rambler station wagon.

I myself saw Dallas Cops with a look-alike in custody at the airport pickup in Houston late that afternoon and I heard the shots and so did my wife that night after I was told not to leave my room because there was a man with a shotgun looking for Kennedy's killer. After the shots, the celebrations going on since the time the extra bus arrived became quiet and I got some sleep. The problem of the double Oswalds would have prevented him from being convicted. Ruby's Organized Crime ties were ignored by the WC but documented by the HSCA in the late 70s and Ruby filmed on camera said If it wasn't for the VP at the time (LBJ) none of this would have occurred.

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do you remember the name of the usher and was he ever interviewed by either WC or HSCA?

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Yes, WC Butch Burrows. He did not tell the whole story as he was advised to just answer the questions, not to volunteer anything. The same thing the CIA people and FBI ordered to only stick to the question and not go on about Oswald or any speculation.

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There's no way Oswald shot Officer Tippet, really shocking anyone would say so on this site. The black woman who gave witness of two men at the scene of the shooting of Tippet seems credible. Plus Oswald was given a paraffin test that showed he did not fire a gun.

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Oswald's paraffin test was negative for a rifle.

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Thanks for the good work!

I was unable to participate. My question would be on how the current political situation and tribalism we are seeing in the US will affect the upcoming court hearings? I'd think that both the corruption on the GOP and Democratic Party side would be good for the judicial wing of our political system. Every day is full of political tension as new facts come out of scandals both left and right.

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It may be questionable that anything will affect the upcoming court hearings. Example: O.J. Simpson trial. The assemblage of prosecuting personnel does not appear random. So why should we expect average citizens to arrive at an objective decision? Even then, will that decision be an accurate one. How accurate were the HSCA conclusions?

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PS People in the Oat Cliff neighborhood recognized Trippit as someone who lived there, when in fact his family did not live there and he was not assigned as a policeman there. It suggests he had a place in the neighborhood, which raises questions, why?

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A black woman across the street from the Tippet shooting said there were two men present. The bullets in Oswald's gun did not match the bullets that shot Trippit. Joseph McBride write a 700 page book, 'Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of President John F Kennedy and Officer JD Tippit." I think Jim Glover does a terrific breakdown in this thread of Oswald's movements that day after he left the Texas Depository. It's unclear what Tippit's involvement is with Oswald, but I think the plotters wanted to blame Oswald for Tippit's killing so that the police would descend upon him at the movie theater and further implicate him in the assassination of JFK. There was not enough time for Oswald to have left his rooming house, kill Tippit, and arrive at the movie theater. It's clear to me that Osward went to the theater because he was ordered to do so.

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Right, No paraffin on his face which would preclude firing that old rifle. The rifle was not tested (barrel swabbed) to see if it had been fired recently. Same with the pistol, I did not see any test except the firing pen was bent. The Paraffin on both hands could be do to his work but it surely would not be on both hands firing a pistol, he was right-handed.

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Maybe. I will not feel foolish if it is ever provable that some of my current inclinations are wrong. I really absorbed your story about Butch Burrows.

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