I am going to have to compose a list of everything that happened on October 15. It is kind of weird that that date is here in this document. It is the date we received the tipoff that JFK was going to be assassinated and several other things happened specifically on that date related to all this. Sometimes it is just a coincidence and very likely the case here, but still quite weird.

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I look forward to seeing it.

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"You can also listen to JFK Live at your convenience."

Where are the ZOOM episodes posted? Thanks.

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Where did Oswald get the money to travel to Helsinki? What's a trip to Helsinki cost even now with deregulated budget airlines?

For those not old enough to remember, air travel, especially to Europe, in those days was regulated and expensive and was an upper to upper middle class form of transportation. Airline passengers dressed for the occasion. Men and boys wore suits and ties. Airports were more like high end hotel lobbies than like the bus stations they are today. How could Oswald have afforded to fly to Helsinki on the money he made doing menial labor?

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