JFK Live Tonight: Will RFK Jr. Probe the CIA Role in His Uncle's Murder?
Join us for a conversation about all things JFK as Washington prepares for a new administration
Join co-host Larry Schnapf for a live discussion of the latest developments related to the JFK assassination story. Axios reports that Robert Kennedy Jr. wants his daughter in law, former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox, to get a CIA appointment and press her one-time employer to “get to the bottom” of the JFK story. No confirmation yet from RFK Jr.
Tonight (and every Thursday night) at 8 pm ET.
The podcast is really just a big Zoom call, open to all. Comments and questions are welcome.
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You can also listen to JFK Live at your convenience. The podcast will also be published on the site (and podcasting platforms) next week.
Really, all he needs to do is exhume the body and have a real autopsy and some genetic testing for the fake replacement skull parts done.
RFK Jr. wants daughter-in-law in CIA top role to probe JFK assassination:
What great news it would be if this happens.
Changing subjects: picture of the second assassin in the video below? I can't see him, but maybe you can. Nonetheless, I think this speaker is correct about the location of the second shooter. The angles and the wounds don't match up for the other suspected locations. The grassy knoll was likely a diversion, perhaps an M-80 firecracker which accounts for the noise and puff of smoke. As I have said before, modern gunpowder gives off very little smoke, and it's often undetectable. You shooters know that. Shooting from the grassy knoll would have likely injured Jackie by the flying skull fragments if not by the bullet itself.