Really, all he needs to do is exhume the body and have a real autopsy and some genetic testing for the fake replacement skull parts done.

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Absolutely, but we can't even exhume the body buried as John Wilkes Booth to verify it's him even with the permission of his descendants, or the body buried in Fort Sumner, New Mexico as Billy the Kid.

Caroline and most of the rest of the clan appear to be thoroughly sold on the official story and would oppose an exhumation. Or maybe they fear for their lives.

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I'm optimistic based on the nutters out there howling that RFK Jr is going after the JFK files as he believes the CIA was complicit. This is going to be a very interesting four years... RFK Jr has been training for this opportunity his entire life.

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Unfortunately, the politicians who are in the pockets of Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the chemical companies will try everything they can to derail RFK Jr's appointment. I read they are preparing a national TV ad campaign to smear him.

RFK Jr is a major threat to the establishment in numerous ways.

Of course, I too hope he succeeds.

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RFK Jr. wants daughter-in-law in CIA top role to probe JFK assassination:


What great news it would be if this happens.

Changing subjects: picture of the second assassin in the video below? I can't see him, but maybe you can. Nonetheless, I think this speaker is correct about the location of the second shooter. The angles and the wounds don't match up for the other suspected locations. The grassy knoll was likely a diversion, perhaps an M-80 firecracker which accounts for the noise and puff of smoke. As I have said before, modern gunpowder gives off very little smoke, and it's often undetectable. You shooters know that. Shooting from the grassy knoll would have likely injured Jackie by the flying skull fragments if not by the bullet itself.


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A shot entering the throat above the Adam's apple, fired from a position below then target, could not possibly exit two inches to the right of the thoracic spine and leave a neat exit wound in the back, as documented by the autopsy photos and by JFK's jacket and shirt.

There would have been significant damage to the cervical vertebrae and an a large exit wound in the rear of the neck, not in the thoracic spine.

The smoke may not be consistent with "modern" gunpowder (remember, the Carcano and its cartridges were manufactured for the Italian army in the 1940's, 85 years ago); but the scent of gunnite,, as noted by numerous witnesses located on the ground of Dealey Plaza, could not have originated from the sixth floor window of the TSBD building, with a prevailing west to east wind.

The "red blob" seen at Z-313, appears behind the right ear. This is not consistent with the "throat/back exit" scenario, but it IS consistent with a tangential knoll shot from a frangible mercury bullet, as the Corsican assassin Lucien Sate was known to prefer.

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Wouldn't a shot from the grassy knoll (to JFK's right front) have resulted in a red blob behind JFK's left ear instead of behind his right ear and a large exit hole on the left rear part of his skull instead of on the right rear part of his skull?

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That is a good observation, AWL. Assuming the Z Film is unedited, the "red blob" location presents a mystery - particularly when the P:atrkland doctors ALL mention the right occipital wound but not the right parietal- temporal wound seen at Z-313.

A frangible mercury round might cause a plasma shift of cerebral tissue from the temporal entry site toward the occiput, and the trail of bullet dust seen on the autopsy x-rays extends from the right temple rearward and upward, but never enters the left hemisphere. There was certainly a missile that entered the head above the right temple and left that trail, and it was certainly NOT a Carcano round. (Full metal jacketed bullets do not leave lead trails.)

The Parkland doctors describe a full avulsion of the right hemisphere, temporal to occipital. It may have come from more than one head shot.

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What alterations did Humes make when he was alone with the body prior to the autopsy (as stated by one of the two Navy corpsmen on duty who unloaded JFK's body at Bethesda)? My guess: alterations were made to the head to conform the wounds to the official single shooter theory.

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Some interesting ideas presented here and also some I disagree with. The Cancellare photo might show something/someone in that portal but any images I can find are too dark to identify what. I fully support the south knoll concept as the correct angle to damage JFK’s right temple and exit the right rear of the head. The street closure west of Bugni’s second shooter for an escape route and ensuring a line of sight is interesting as is the suggestions about the truck used for blocking the view of potential witnesses. I reject the suggestion the throat shot exited thru the back and did no damage to anyone/anything nor left any flesh etc to raise questions about a frontal shot. I believe Bugni’s acceptance of Oswald’s involvement ignores so many conflicting testimonies and contradictions of evidence. However he appears sincere in his theories and doesn’t comment on issues beyond his developed expertise. As I mentioned my hope rests with Trump following thru on his promise and RFKJ getting his wish regarding the Deputy Director of CIA and Trump’s appointees of the FBI and DNI pushing hard to finally put this to rest.

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I agree the South Knoll theory is equally valid. I forgot to say that.

I don't see how anyone can believe the kill shot came from JFK's right front given the exit hole in the right rear part of his skull.

The track of the throat shot is a mystery except for the fact that the doctor who performed the tracheotomy believed the hole in his neck was an entry wound.

I don't subscribe to all his other theories either.

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Larry - not sure if you were aware of the files at this archieve. https://archives.wesleyan.edu/repositories/sca/archival_objects/document_93_-_rfk_to_jbk_restricted.

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Jefferson - hope you are well! If you guys could try to continue to record and post these discussions as podcasts or linked here the following week, it would be much appreciated. There are a lot of interested people that can’t make the call at that time and would love to keep touch with this community and the developments. Thank you.

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Of course he will!

Trump, paragon of honor, will keep his promise to open the JFK kimono!

The USG will abandon its 61 years of obfuscation, and at last fully reveal inculpatory evidence in a capital crime!

The vast majority of JFK research community superstars will abandon their 61 years of ego- and ignorance- and profit-driven commitments to regurgitation at the expense of cogitation, and at last define and effect justice for JFK and the untold millions collaterally damaged by his assassins!

And just before bed on Christmas Eve, I shall leave hot cocoa and homemade cookies near the fireplace for Santa Claus, who, like us, will drink and eat cold and stale rewards!

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