Still think this was the final trigger for the assassination - and, reading the speech last week at the Kennedy Library in Boston, it’s staggering how progressive, indeed socialist, it was for 1963. He really was decades ahead of his time.

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Jfk 4/27/61 American newspapers assoc..

It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

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Contrast this speech with the lunacy of ultra-rightwing Christian Nationalist billionaire and one of Trump's donors, Texas oil man Tim Dunn.

From Rolling Stone


In Dunn’s theology, the responsibility of the “resurrection-empowered” believer includes hastening the end-times. . . . Invoking the apocalyptic battles of Revelations as if they were part of a biblical cinematic universe, Dunn describes Jesus returning astride a “white horse,” wearing a “robe dipped in blood,” and taking “vengeance” on “unbelievers” with his “consuming fire.” Yet these same flames of judgment, Dunn insists, will refine the faithful, like rare metals, to then reign beside Christ, forever, on a “new Earth.”

Dunn is an ideological successor to the Texas oil men who likely conspired (with others) against JFK in 1963, like right-wing nutjob H.L. Hunt.

Now they seem to be hoping for a worldwide nuclear holocaust, so Jesus will come back.

Nucking futs!

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Dunn sounds like a very outdated old school nutjob. His kind was more prevalent and therefore more dangerous in the past. Currently I’d guess he’s secretly aligned with the Oligarchy.

I tried to read the Rolling Stone piece but they pay-walled me halfway through. Nevertheless I did get to the part where Rolling Stone claims Dunn wants the rewrite the U.S. Constitution. This rings true. Rewriting the Constitution Is the number one goal of the Oligarchs. They know the Constitution is the only thing saving us from their total domination.

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Absolutely. Their wet dream is getting enough states together to hold a constitutional convention where they can start over. Scary as hell.

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2024 - America “achieves” Nucking fits?! AWL, you’re a gem! Great discussion here. I cannot challenge the Allen Dulles conclusion(s). However, I’m not willing to give America’s 20th Century “Emperor,” John Edgar Hoover, a pass on the removal of a President that was going to allow the Federal Government’s mandatory retirement to end his tenure as FBI Director. “IF” Hoover was not part of the assassination planning, and I sincerely believe he had prior knowledge of this event, he surely hit it out of the park on guiding LBJ in the selection of the committee members for the Warren Commission and rigging the entire investigation. Allen Dulles, LBJ and JEH, this conspiracy’s top three, in my book.

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Thanks, Eldon. I agree with your top three suspects, Dulles and LBJ especially.

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These crazy Christian Nationalists are terrifying fascists. Were they born psychopaths and drawn to a religious cult that welcomes their evil? Or did their fundamentalist religion turn them into bloodthirsty psychopaths? Who knows. But they are evil either way.

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For most of them, I think it's the latter, but in Dunn's case, I think it's both, an instance where a born psychopath was raised in and became the leader of a death cult.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

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For what it’s worth I’ll throw in my 2¢… my thoughts have changed considerably over the past year due to information available at the JFK Facts Substack and podcast.

I do now believe JFK’s murder, the frame-up, and the cover-up were engineered by Allan Dulles and sanctioned by Dulles’s high stratosphere cronies from MIC/CFR and was done in reaction to JFK’s positions on war and peace. Previously I had doubted this. I still do not think the ‘peace speech’ per se or Viet Nam per se carried much weight. Rather I think his Cuba and Russia policies are what pushed his detractors over the brink.

All evidence suggests MIC/CFR demanded eternal conflict with the USSR as well as an invasion of Cuba. As has been noted by others JFK truly foreclosed the option to invade Cuba AND did so by means of back channel negotiations with Khrushchev. All of this was no-holds-barred unacceptable.

I’m posting this because I still have numerous views that don’t seem to be shared by anyone else and I want to put them out there. For instance I have thought for some time perhaps there NEVER WAS a “Missile Crisis”. There have been murmurs that JFK doubted the CIA’s interpretation of high altitude spy photos. JFK himself would not have been able to identify “proof” that the USSR had set the stage to install nuclear weapons in Cuba.

I am much more inclined to believe this was the Operation Northwoods-style, Gulf of Tonkin-style,’false flag’ attack the Pentagon settled on to be foisted upon JFK and the American public. That JFK opened a friendly back channel with the man supposedly bent on intimidating and/or destroying us makes sense only in this light. But that he saw through such a high stakes ruse would have been reason enough to mark him for death.

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Unfortunately it looks like we are NOW getting a bona fide Cuba missile crisis with a cognitively impaired puppet Presidency “in charge.” If our country gets Russian missiles pointed at our backyard MAYBE the neo-warmongers will finally understand why Putin doesn’t like it either.

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Still, I searched in vain for any coverage of this event in the NYT morning news feed. Ok, I’ll give them Hunter’s gun felony conviction…everything else was just “slow news day” stuff and random ideological hobby horses.

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Agreed. Putin is trying to make a point, but our military wanted to start WWIII over missiles in Cuba in 1962. I fear the morons haven't changed.

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Very plausible. Good thinking!

The false flag attack is one of the intelligence community's favorite operations they like to run on the American people. It almost always works (just as it did for the Nazis), one exception being the U.S.S. Liberty solely because of the bravery and ingenuity of the crew in keeping the ship afloat.

Lindsey Graham is keeping the eternal conflict with Russia narrative going:


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False flags, assassinations, and ‘black propaganda’ are their bread and butter.


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Miss Lindsey is a complete nutcase. Not to mention a self loathing closet case.

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Evidently, homophobic South Carolina can't figure that out. It baffles me why they keep electing him.

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I concur with your other reader that this was the final straw that triggered the assassination.

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JFK was the greatest leader this country has ever produced. I can't think of any other world leader as good (in every sense of the word) as he was.

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Totally totally agree.

I have been convinced the high water mark of the Republic was the 1960 election. I think both JFK and Nixon fully embodied government of the people, by the people, for the people and as such had to be taken out…. and that we have lived in the aftermath of these two brutal and immoral take downs ever since.

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I saw a video recently that said the CIA was going to kill Nixon because he kept demanding the truth (and the files presumably) about the JFK assassination from Helms. Nixon wouldn't let it go. Watergate saved Nixon's life by making his assassination unnecessary.

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Absolutely agree! He was a one of a kind.

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He didn’t campaign as a Cold War Hawk.

That wasn’t who he was. His so-called turn to peace after the CMC was a recognition that his presidency and the direction and connection with the country would be perverted and subverted if he didn’t steer the country away from nuclear self destruction. He was a young president with historical vision.

He campaigned to bring on a passing of the torch in the most vital of ways and barely won. In fact, challenging Nixon about Cuba was one of his big mistakes as it bound him to a reactionary public position, and arguable helped lead to the BOD and CMC. Nevertheless, he *always* gave himself and his political opponents a way out of conflict, especially those in the third world. He was not going to beat Nixon without showing the will to defend American interests established by the sleepy general, which Nixon would have had a corner on. Until 1964. Then he would have dunked on Goldwater with Peace, Progress, and Prosperity.

Saying he campaigned as a cold warrior brings undo violence from our times to an accurate historical perspective. In my opinion, if you listen honestly to his famous inauguration speech, he is defining his liberal vision not his Cold War vision. I agree with Khrushchev that his peace speech was the most important speech since Roosevelt and in retrospect, the most important speech in the last 100 years.

We need to stop clouding history to give comfort to Chomsky’s lies.

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Dear Jefferson "Yuri Nosenko Was A True Defector!!!" Morley,

Is this why the evil, evil CIA killed him?

-- Tom

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