Then why didn’t he do it the first time? Let me guess - he’ll get Mexico to pay for it.

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You got here first, TT - it's just not rational to trust Donald J. Trump on even minimimally difficult promises.

This promised released of all withheld documents relevant to the JFK assassination plausibly

hinges on a willingness to open up a discussion about a "Coup d'Etat in America," a coup relentlessly lied about and covered up - however unsuccessfully - for over sixty years.

If there's any way to organize it, now is the time to get Kamala Harris on the record about this.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

Kamala hasn't got the balls to promise it, let alone do it. Kennedy is the only one who speaks about the 1963 coup, and he's the only one capable of reversing it. That is, if he were president. As an official in the Trump regime maybe he'll have the clout to needle Trump to keep his promise this time. If not, then maybe in 2029 after he hopefully uses his successful reform of NIH etc. as a springboard to win the 2028 election.

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LOL, Kamala has "more balls" than pathetic, egocentric nitwits like Trump or Kennedy, neither of whom ever tried murderers or rapists in their lives, and neither of whom now represent anything but depraved indifference to human rights and American democracy either, when it comes to that.

His bogus anti-scientifica anti-vaccination bilge isn't going to "reform":the National Institute of Health either, of course.

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OK, Kamala's got big balls say. She couldn't do it anyway. Her party will never let her do anything that threatens the forces that killed JFK. Why? Because the Democratic party is controlled by the successors in interest of the forces that killed Kennedy.

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LOL, what a weirdo bunch of baseless conspiracy-mongering fanatics you people are.

Be sure to harp on this gibberish relentlessly, it's an open admission of free-floating wingnut paranoia, as if Trump needed any more of that flavor.

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We don't know her position on the matter yet.

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Harris is so egotistical that she believes she should be coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee without receiving a single vote. She believes the public doesn’t deserve a single interview either, as she runs for the most important job in the world.

Harris’ record as prosecutor involved imprisoning over 1500 people for the crime of marijuana usage, despite her own admitted use. She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labour. That isn’t having balls, that’s sociopathic authoritarianism.

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LOL, she's scheduling interviews now, and the rest of her law enforcement career as a district attorney and AG in California can't possibly equate to "sociopathic authoritarianism," although that perfectly describes the vile Donald J. Trump.

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Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a single interview before November. Hopefully she’ll expand on her plan to implement Soviet style price controls on groceries, the only policy plan we’ve been privileged enough to receive from her.

Sociopathic authoritarianism perfectly describes the modern Democratic Party. They have become the party of censorship, mass surveillance, state-sponsored propaganda, and the military industrial complex. They are antithetical to everything that John Kennedy stood for.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

The poor bastard is still in prison too, still on death row.

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Who is "still in prison," is this more fakery?

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LOL, and your fake numbers are just that - a few DOZEN went to prison:



"former lawyers in Harris’ office and defense attorneys who worked on drug cases say most defendants arrested for low-level pot possession were never locked up. And only a few dozen people were sent to state prison for marijuana convictions under Harris’ tenure.

“There is no way anyone could say that she was draconian in her pursuit of marijuana cases,” said Niki Solis, a high-ranking attorney in the San Francisco Public Defender’s office during Harris’ time as DA.

Still, advocates wonder why it took so long for the California senator to come out in support of marijuana legalization. She actively fought a ballot measure for recreational pot in 2010, co-authoring an opposition argument in the voter guide, and stayed on the sidelines when a second ballot initiative passed in 2016.

Harris publicly came out for legalizing marijuana only in May 2018, after she was widely considered a likely presidential contender. Since then, it’s become a centerpiece of her plans to reform the criminal justice system. “We can’t keep repeating the same mistakes of the past,” she tweeted last year. “Too many lives have been ruined by these regressive policies.”

**** And she's been favoring legalization for some eight years now.

Serves me right for trusting internet troll claims.

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Over Harris’ seven years as top prosecutor, her attorneys sent “at least 1,560 (people) to state prison”, based on reports from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

“Importantly, this figure is necessarily an undercount of the total number of people actually prosecuted for marijuana offenses during Harris's term as Attorney General”.


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Like. That will NOT be Kamala's decision to make. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter As regard trump H. L. says it BEST: After all is said and done, a hell lot of a lot more is said than done.

H. L. Mencken

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SPOT ON! LIKE! (I'm blocked from likes) Don't trust the person who has broken faith once.

William Shakespeare

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Aug 24Liked by Chad Nagle

Getting interesting. Sad the the Kennedy family is against truth seeking. Go RFK jr!

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Chad Nagle

Kennedy family members are either stupid or scared to death.

We know witnesses were threatened. One agent admitted he was ordered to threaten one of the Parkland doctors. Of course, the bastards would threaten family members.

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When tremendous dangers are involved, no one can be blamed for looking to his own interest.


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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Chad Nagle

Why might Trump follow through this time? He has an axe to grind.

I thought his pledge to release all the documents was independent of his new assassination attempt commission. He has no excuses this time.

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Love that comment from ex-CIA shill Larry Pfeiffer: "What an unmitigated disaster this would be, putting a conspiracy monger in charge of CIA, the institution charged with speaking truth to power."

As if the CIA has never mongered a conspiracy or two. And what the hell's with that "speaking truth to power"? Talk about turning the meaning of a phrase upside down. This guy's suffering from CIAitis.

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Oh Lord, we’re pinning our hopes on two near-zombies, the security state must be killing itself laughing

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

"Speaking truth to power"? WTF is Pfeiffer talking about? The CIA's function is to exercise power and then lie about it.

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As they should.

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Unlike some of these posts, this is exactly what I have been hoping for! As usual, an outstanding summary by Jeff.

If one is expecting a position to be taken by Harris, you must be joking. Not after a month avoiding any interviews, taking any positions, any pressers, just joy.

Despite Trump’s many failings, he routinely reciprocates to those who do nice to him. I am thrilled that RFKJ asked for the TWO most important issues to him, national health/food corruption and the 61 year secrecy regarding the death of his father and uncle by mysterious forces.

I do not believe Trump can back away from these commitments now. I wonder now what is the CIA or others thinking about those records? Will they survive? Could they actually destroy them further? Let’s hope all remaining candidates remain safe.

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When Trump had his chance he failed to order full disclosure. Now you're making a big headline of his false promises?

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Positive news. In a perfect world Harris announces the same thing.

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Yes!! It’s not worth electing Trump in hope that he isn’t lying about something he already failed to do.

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If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.

Edgar Allan Poe

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Bingo (I don't' trust him after what he told Judge Napolitano, unless he thinks a new Commission would make it happen)

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Let's ask DCI Ted Sorenson for his opinion.

And if may I ask for a virtual show of hands: How many readers of this blog believe a word of what comes out of Trump's foul mouth?

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What was the final Washington Post tally on Trump's presidential "lies and serious distortions of fact," something like 34,562?

Trump just isn't credible about anything, much less a heavy lift. So get Kamala Harris ON the record about a full disclosure. After over sixty years, whatever could possibly remain as a legitimate sources and methods concern, could be redacted.

Note: I think the CIA CLAIMED to have photos of Lee Harvery Oswald six weeks before the assassination in Mexico City, sure - but were they photos of LHO or somewhat blurred photos taken at a distance, of an impersonator?


^^^^^^ Part 5 of 6, if you have the time and inclination, worth reading.

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The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.

Barry Goldwater

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Its pretty well proven RFK and Jackie didn't believe the fallacy about the JFK coverup

I have been following this since 1968 and have never heard comments from any other Kennedy family members I might have missed some along the way

None have ever been in a position to research the unreleased JFK files

Almost all of JFK's closest confidents said RFK never really confirmed his feelings only alluded to them

No one has really confirmed what Caroline has, only speculation

When 3/4 of your living siblings distance themselves from you just maybe "Here's your sign"

Kennedy claimed a number of his relatives support him Outside his immediate family the only one I van find is a Shriver cousin That is not a very supportive number

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The Kennedy Family commissioned Dr. Randolph Robertson to investigated the materials stored at the National Archives in 2015. He released a report on 11/23/15 which also included three photos from a roll of Ektachrome film that Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman (yes, the same one that was in the front seat of the Limo, with the driver) removed from a camera and exposed to light in an attempt to destroy it. Kodak salvaged these three frames in 1999(?) I the “Right Superior Profile” offered my first look at the frontal entry wound above the right eye. That’s when I was able to determine for myself that not all of the shots came from the TSBD AND I was no longer a “conspiracy theorist,” I became a “conspiracy factuality!”

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On one hand, I agree with RFK, Jr, that rogue members of the CIA were involved in JFK's assassination. On the other, I think RFK, Jr. is full of shit. For whatever reasons, RFK Jr is afflicted with the same gene mutation that may of the Kennedy clan are afflicted with, that of wanting and needing attention. But Junior has taken this to an extreme and along the way has lost most of the respect of his extended family and most other Americans who were alive when JFK was President who have half a brain and are capable of acknowledging the difference between someone in search of the genuine truth versus someone who will say or do anything to bring attention to themselves. As far as I'm concerned RFK, Jr lost any credibility he had years ago and anything he says or does presently can only be associated with and perceived as part of some kind of grift. Much like the Donald Trumps and Tucker Carlson's of the world, they may say things that you may want to hear, they may agree with you on certain issues to gain your confidence and approval, but in the end, all they are doing is running some kind of con or grift designed to serve their interest be their pocket book, their ego or their insatiable desire to have power and influence over others. For RFK Jr, the end of his "Presidential Campaign" simply resulted in making a deal with another grifter for some kind of payoff down the road that will never be realized.

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What did he do or say "years ago" that lost him credibility?

IMO, he's right on the JFKA and the RFKA and Sirhan.

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To start with, his whole bat-shit crazy anti-vax conversation. Trump called RFK Jr and offered him a job. RFK Jr, demurred, then tried to get Kamala Harris on the phone to see if she could better the offer. Harris declined to speak with him. The rest is now history. RFK Jr is nothing but a charlatan and a hypocrite who's simply looking for the best deal that will give him the attention, recognition, status and power he so desperately seeks. He's already been deleting is previous, older social media posts stating (for example) that the NRA is just as responsible for the Parkland school shootings and that they might as well have pulled the trigger themselves. That the NRA has turned the 2nd amendment into a suicide pact for our children. In 2014 he said that people in the Tea Party (MAGA'S predecessor group) don't want a black person to be President of the US, they want to go back to the old Plantation economic model. At another event, he said gas should go to $12 a gallon so it would compel people to get electric cars, but now he's endorsed Trump who's all about "drill, baby, drill". I'm not sure you could find a bigger hypocrite and charlatan, aside, of course, besides Donald Trump. They are both malignant narcissists. In an interview roughly a year ago, RFK Jr was actually asked that if Trump offered him job, would he accept. RFK Jr responded. "No, because if I did, my wife would divorce me." RFK Jr said that politicians who deny climate change are selling out the public's trust and they should all get three hots and a cot along with all the other war criminals from the Hague." While RFK Jr simply wants attention, recognition and power, Trump wants all that and, of course, to stay out of jail. These are just a few examples of what RFK Jr said or did years ago to lose his credibility. His "deal" with Trump in exchange for his endorsement of Trump has simply blown up any credibility his last name has previously provided him with.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Have you read, "Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak"? It has a 92% 5-star rating on Amazon. One reviewer says, "I can't praise this book enough. By meticulously searching the peer-reviewed literature, the authors have uncovered compelling and undeniable correlations of infirmities of various types with the overall vaccination schedule. This area of research will not get funding from Big Pharma, for obvious reasons, nor from its captured regulators. No parent should ignore this book."

His co-author is Brian Hooker, PhD, chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense, holder of five US patents, and author of over seventy peer-reviewed scientific publications, including over twenty papers covering the epidemiology of vaccine injury.

I have not heard anyone who has actually read his books offer to debate him on the science.


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No, I haven't read this book and I really don't care what kind of reviews or ratings the book has gotten on Amazon because it's not relevant to this conversation. You've missed the point and I'm not sure you actually read the original post and following comments. RFK's adventures in the anti-vax conversation is only one of a number of reasons I previously cited to support the notion that he's lost all credibility. His anti-vax remarks, writings and overall history are simply one of numerous examples that I cited for why he's unfit for any elected office. Read the post next time before you comment.

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I elected not to comment on your opinions, ad hominems, and presumptions but only on the smear that he is anti-vax. He does not oppose all vaccines

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Trump is a nothingburger when it comes to this subject. He had his chance and he blew it, bigly.

What RFK Jr could do if - big if - he was sincere would be convincing his extended clan that exhuming the body is the only foolproof way to settle a lot of the contested autopsy "evidence." If his skull was reconstructed to disguise an orange-sized hole in the back of it, DNA testing will reveal that.

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The Kennedy clan seems to have bought the government narrative hook, line, and sinker, except RFK, Jr. How could they all be so stupid? It's especially galling with regard to Caroline. How can she sell out her own father? Of course, the bastards may have threatened her and the lives of her children. Nothing is beneath them.

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AWL, I believe “death threats” are a primary factor.FAR TOO MANY OF THE THREATS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED! It seems this planet has become “one giant drug deal?!”

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One nation under murder and extortion.

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The results would prove nothing to most observers of this website. Those same results probably would be unable to convince a significant percentage of the single assassin zealots.

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IMO Reiner and O'Brien's podcast have adequately demonstrated that there is a huge amount of pent-up demand for clarity and accountability. Nothing would have more impact than both disproving LHO as a single shooter and showing fraud and deception at the autopsy.

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I can't remember exactly the origin of my thinking in my response. Most participants at Mr. Morley's site are knowledgeable enough to know that there was a conspiracy in JFK's death and coverup. Some of the public still believing the Warren Commission probably have religious like convictions which render them incapable of accepting the reality of objective evidence. Others would come to recognize what we have learned.

I do not think it is possible to disguise the missing bone tissue in Kennedy's skull. The absence of bone tissue in the back of the head would be recognized as proof that a frontal shot had struck. There would probably still be some reluctant to accept reality.

I often misspeak and do not adequately express my positions in writing. An exhumation of JFK would do exactly what you suggest it would.

Last night I viewed an uncropped photo of the view from the sixth floor window which depicted the light signal before the tree which restricted vision of Elm Street for a brief period of time. It seems likely that an attempt was made to shoot Kennedy before he reached the area obfuscated by the tree and that this shot probably could have produced the injury to Tague.

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Meant to add that I agree 100% with your scenario of likely outcomes. I think it is going to happen in my lifetime, as while I understand the pain this topic likely brings the Kennedys, at some point the last tranche of documents will be released, and an outcry seems likely.

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I agree that it very well may happen. I'm 77 and do not need it to happen in my lifetime because certain facets of the crime are clear in my mind. Who are the Kennedy's? Had anyone else been murdered the authorities would do what is necessary for truth's sake. I also believe that an exhumation will be the result of pressure from concerned individuals like those here. This pressure will probably only be strong enough after a new fact emerges. I would have thought that Paul Landis' statements should have been enough. The Kennedys put their pants on one leg at a time.

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Ed, no harm, no foul. I appreciate all of your contributions here and wish you a happy Labor Day!

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Trump promised to fully disclose the JFK files twice when he was president. He didn't do it.

His three SCOTUS nominees, under oath, all promised to follow stare decisis and obey long established precedent. The didn't.

Trump, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barret and RFK, Jr. are a bunch of liars. Unlike RFK, Jr.'s dad and uncle, they have not been assassinated (yet).

As Billy Joel sang, "Only the good die young." Trump, Biden and RFK, Jr. are no longer young. And they never were good either.

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If we really lived in a democracy, we would have better candidates.

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It appears Trump is going to get another chance to release the papers:


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Thanks for the link. I hadn’t run across that YouTube channel before. Looks like they have success previously in predictions.

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When I insinuated that the Kennedy's were getting special treatment I was only half convinced that the response we are aware of was the result of requests by the Kennedy family. The other half of me senses that whoever is behind the coverup (and possibly the assassination) wants things the way they currently are. It cannot happen but what if it was discovered the body was accidentally misplaced!

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Who will decide what is a "JFK file" and what is not? Does the originating agency make that decision in every case? It seems a bit like letting "a person of interest" decide what is admissible and what is not.

' very narrowly. Are the activities of the H.L. Hunt family pertinent to the assassination? I would argue that they are, but others will disagree. What about General Walker's majordomo, Robert Surrey? Leander Perez? Various CIA officers whose names are not known to us? Who will decide? How will they decide?

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