Not to put too fine a point on it, but James Earl Jones was the bombardier in Strangelove. Slim Pickens was the pilot that rode the bomb down.

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Jones was also a pilot in the movie Dr Strangelove!

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Wow thanks for sharing this. What a cast of characters. Fletcher Prouty, John Judge, Danny Sheehan, Cyril Wecht, Perry Russo, Peter Dale Scott, etc.

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LOL, ex -KGB Colonel Oleg Nechiperenko has "Oswald" brandishing a pistol in Mexico City and so on - not a shred of credible evidence to back this up, but he did get a book contract.

You need to first provide a credible series of events showing Lee Harvey Oswald was ever in Mexico at all, ever, to make a case this wasn't an impostor showing up and being photographed, etc.

The You Tube video does have some interesting moments, but these are not those.

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I don't think Oswald was ever in Mexico City

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I had your current position at one time. Now I'm not so sure. Government handling of the Crooks evidence seems consistent with scenarios of Oswald never having been in Mexico and possibly with the construction of an imposter. Enter Jerrie Cobb. Does the government obfuscate evidence merely to soothe the reality of incompetence or are there possibly deeper explanations? Thirdly, government may just lie about everything.

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Could she have seen an Oswald double?

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Jerri/June Cobb was a notable aviatrix involved in early astronaut training. I was vaguely aware of her but purchased "A Woman I Know" by Mary Haverstick to find out more. The book is intriguing and mysterious with some doubts attached but it brought about a lot of thinking when I coupled its thesis with the works of other less accepted authors. Cobb does seem somehow to have been associated with Mexico around the time Oswald is purported to have been there. I do not think I should tell you to go out and purchase the book but I think it is more interesting and stimulating than books on the top 10 list of some contributors to this website.

Information about her is on wikipedia but this info does not point to 11-22 the way Haverstick's work might. If nothing else, the book presents mysteries about a character in '63 and alerts you to possibilities which could answer lingering questions. I am glad I bought the book.

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Anne Goodpature put out bad

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While it may be unlikely that Anne Goodpasture knew exactly what occurred regarding a probable Mexico visit by Oswald, I tend to believe she recognized factors which could be tied together to direct further areas of investigation. The lady who kicked the cat might even have known important relationships which have not been brought out.

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The SS reactions to the attempt on Trump are anything but transparent and lead me to consider efforts might have been made in '63 by government agencies. The concept of introducing a double for Oswald could produce an excuse not to take seriously Oswald's hysterics in Mexico seriously (if it was Oswald). We can see it is not Oswald at the embassy gate and have been told that the telephone recordings of Oswald are not in his voice. But then we are also told there is no large exit wound in the back of Kennedy's head. What should we choose to believe? I can't answer that yet. I'll consider any thoughts you have.

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JFKs SS speech came true

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so many players so little times parCIAlly in profile

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Laundry truck transporting guns (LaFontaine) CI dirty Laundry over Ruby's club and on corner of Elm /Houston

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the late Great John Judge whose shirt from 50th 2013 I wore at AF base CS Colo which silences all present

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