I especially loved how Nancy Mace tore into to her. 9 days and not a single document handed over. God the SS needs to go. Maybe then the ZIA can follow. Unaccountable agencies ever since WWII ended and ever our 5 star general warned against.

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Jeff —- Absolutely fascinating.

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Again common sense. Would anyone hire a 20 year old who was a decent shot as a sniper? Not to be crass a real sniper would have assassinated Trump in two shots And he probably wouldn't have been caught

Interesting fact I haven't read in years I believe Oswalds classification as a marksman was at best a mediocre marksman Some people said he was under a lot of stress and a man under stress can do remarkable things The weapon was mechanical It was not under stress

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Can't we all get along, at least till more information is released about the current assassination attempt. This is a pan ideological site. Name calling only distracts from the goal of finding facts and the truth about assassinations. It's about having the FBI and Intelligence agencies be forthcoming with information that congress has ordered released.

One third of democrats think the Trump assassination was "staged ". Multiple shooters and foreign actors are just some the theories going around.

Most people don't trust the government partly because of the JFK assassination and fake commission reports.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 26

This is a recent interview with former weapons inspector Scott Ritter (27 min). IMO, this is very likely what is really going on in America, and the entire world should be worried. Ritter predicts nuclear war with Russia in 2026 if US policy doesn't change.


Count the wars the neocons want to start: Iran, Russia, China. Any one of them would be a disaster for the US. Madness!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 26

Prediction. The national security state will assassinate Trump and blame it on Iran, thus giving it the excuse to start the war with Iran which it and Israel have wanted for years. False flag attacks are a tried and true method for overcoming the people's natural aversion to war.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: "A war with Iran will devastate America"


The national security state will not tolerate a president who doesn't comply.

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First the FBI comes out within 24 hours of the Trump assassination and claims "lone gunman". Yesterday, Secret Service Director Claims There Are No Recordings Of Radio Traffic From Trump Assassination Attempt. WTF?


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What the RFK assassination might tell us about the Trump attack. Interview with Lisa Pease:


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One of the other parallels to 1963 is how Johnson foresaw congress chewing into the whole mess and who knows what would have happened at the end.....probably too many people even for LBJ and Hoover to blackmail. Today we have a poopy pants version of LBJ with no marbles up top or trump cards to play now...and congress is ripping the crap out of SS for one. I wonder who's next and what will emerge?

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Dear Jefferson "I Hate the CIA and Yuri Nosenko Was a True Defector" Morley,


(Except, of course, anything your beloved world-class humanitarian organization -- the KGB* -- may have been behind or may have encouraged National Security State / Deep State conspiracy theories about.)

*Today's SVR and FSB

-- Tom

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Jul 24Liked by Chad Nagle

Was this evil?

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US launched a secret anti-vax campaign in the Philippines intended to scare people from taking China's Sinovac vaccine.

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, US propaganda decried the quality of Chinese face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines, the aim of which apparently was to undermine China’s humanitarian effort in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the virus.

Thousands of people likely lost their lives by not taking the Chinese vaccine.


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I doubt any of the COVID vaccines are effective, including the Chinese, and by now statistics show clearly that vaccinated people are more likely to test positive on a PCR test. But in a sense your statement rings true, because the Sinopharm vax was likely safer than the mRNA ones. So by reading your post another way, one gets: if millions of people had taken the Chinese vaccine instead of the Pfizer or Moderna ones that were forced on them, they might still be alive.

In Saudi Arabia, the regime approved AstraZeneca at first. But that quickly disappeared, leaving Pfizer with control of the entire field.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Chad Nagle

US intent certainly was evil, regardless, i.e. to frighten people away from another country's medicine solely for political reasons. Notice how Tommy Boy doesn't care about the deaths of innocent people as a result of American policy. A true American indeed.

As you suggested, the Chinese vaccine is a traditional dead virus vaccine, not an mRNA vaccine (which is highly experimental and sci-fi scary IMO).

Was COVID the disaster capitalism scam of all time?

As to the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine, I found the following:



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Thanks. I’ve subscribed to Dr. Campbell. I can easily accept that the Chinese vaccine is less harmful than the mRNA, but I still doubt it was necessary even in China, which saw rapid spread of SARS-COV-2 early on. Obviously there were some fatalities from that virus, but in reality small as a percentage of the whole. Your chances of death from the virus absent any of the 5 preexisting conditions were statistically zero, and even with one or more such conditions, quite small.

The Chinese government made traditional vaccines available, and since they were more tried and tested, they were more trustworthy in terms of risk of injury. But as everywhere, there will have been people who would rather take their chance with the virus than go for the jabs while a pandemic was still going on. The argument that you don’t roll out vaccines in the middle of a pandemic is still a strong one.

What Campbell explains is that the Chinese opted for vax availability in combination with pursuit of herd immunity by its traditional (true) definition, which has nothing to do with vaccination. Herd immunity is achieved by allowing the virus to become endemic, as Campbell explains, so that the “herd” is naturally immune. You don’t achieve herd immunity through vaccination, and if you noticed, the traditional definition of herd immunity was quietly changed during the COVID-19 pandemic to entail mass vaccination. Very sinister. A few outlets did videos about it, but no MSM.

What I think is most interesting about China is not that they rolled out their own vaccine based on a traditional formula, but that even under ostensible “total state control,” traditional Chinese medicine clinics have always survived and (according to an American naturopathic doctor I know who has traveled to China a lot) even thrived. The Chinese as a whole will be very suspicious of things like mRNA vaccines, and rightly so. But I think Sinopharm is probably a “state prestige” venture, like Sputnik in Russia. It’s not really necessary, but it’s there for urban-liberal cosmopolitan elites in Shanghai, Beijing and Moscow to make them feel better about themselves and their families. The “psychological reassurance” factor is significant in making sure people don’t flood the state hospitals at the first sign of sniffles. “I’ve had the jab, so that slight sore throat I feel can’t be the virus.” That type of thing.

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What does that theory have to do with this story?

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To the extent you are part of "the media," you have been blamed from the moment shots were fired at Trump - he's letting his own VP candidate and others serve as surrogates on that conspiracy theory.


Just after a 20-year-old shooter made an attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life last Saturday, a host of Republicans rushed to blame Democrats and the media for the shooting.

They include Ohio U.S. Senator and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno. They also include Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia even posted on X that the district attorney of Butler County, Pennsylvania, where the shooting took place, should file criminal charges against President Joe Biden.

All rushed to judgment in the hours after the shooting. Some did so even before the shooter’s identity had been released. Yet four days later, the shooter’s motives are unknown and even the basics about his politics remain vague. ******

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Was Thomas Matthew Crooks a registered Republican?

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Yes, and Hitler and Stalin, the two most prolific mass murderers of the twentieth century, were both born Catholic and both attended parochial schools.

Not that being Catholic is bad; 7 of the 9 Supremes were raised in that sect, and they are not mass murderers... just anarchists.

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