The smug, flippant, annoying, and patronizing tone of these newscasters clearly demonstrates how the establishment looks upon those who question the official story. Nowhere are any counter arguments ever taken seriously. Researcher Jim DiEugenio has even recounted a story of how Alec Baldwin wanted to do a series on the JFK murder and was turned down cold by the networks. One executive even told him - "We have resigned ourselves to the findings of the Warren Commission."

In other words, the mainstream Mockingbird media is definitely NOT on our side.

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Keep up the good work. Need more coverage!

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Dear Jefferson "Yuri Nosenko Was a True Defector" Morley,

Why is the "evil, evil" CIA still withholding so many documents on the assassination of JFK?

Probably because, per your "What Jane Roman Said" colleague, John M. Newman, a KGB "mole" by the name of Bruce Solie in the CIA's mole-hunting Office of Security sent (or duped his confidant, protégé, and mole-hunting subordinate, James Angleton into sending) sharpshooting former Marine U-2 radar operator Lee Harvey Oswald to Moscow in 1959 as an ostensible "dangle" in the planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" (Solie) in the wrong part of the CIA.

Your bugbear till the day I die,

-- Tom

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Very interesting.

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