The CIA has lost the benefit of the doubt, and rightly so. I would rather see too much skepticism of the national security state than not enough.

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In my researching the JFK assassination, as well as other events of the Cold War, I often find a great amount of exaggeration and embellishment of facts. This is usually done to gain attention or for political/ personal gain. However, like all exaggerations, there's always a grain of truth involved.

In this case, while I myself doubt any existence of a direct plot by the authorities on Trump's life, there are still some disturbing facts.

That before the attempts on Trump's life, the Secret Service did not provide his campaign additional protection. This was justified for bureaucratic reasons, in spite of numerous threats against Trump's life.

That the response of the Secret Service to the attempt on Trump's life in Fulton PA, was clumsy and poorly coordinated. Certain security procedures were not followed, and many near fatal errors occurred.

That on six occasions the Secret Service denied protection to the Robert F. Kennedy campaign, in spite of numerous threats against his life and like with Trump, done for bureaucratic reasons. It was only after the first attempt on Trump's life that it was finally granted.

That throughout the campaign as well as before, a climate of fear and hatred has been created by the media and even the authorities against Donald Trump and the Republican party. In many cases where individuals implied and sometimes openly advocated for Trump's death.

In this atmosphere and with the above facts, its no wonder that many would harbor suspicions of some type of Government involvement. While I personally doubt this, I am nevertheless open to the possibility that there may have been some form of deliberate neglect on the part of individuals within the Government who did just the minimum necessary and allowed events to take their course.

If there was any involvement by outside forces, I'm more open to this hypothesis rather than some mega plot.

Personal note- I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of Donald Trump.

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All of the statements above are true. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but some of the recent assassination facts are hard to explain. The first assassin was killed within seconds ONLY AFTER he got off his shots (probably what the conspirators had hoped to do to Oswald in 1963). He was quickly cremated without the knowledge of the Coroner and as far as we know without any forensic bloodwork. Why? The denial of SS protection to RFKJ is outrageous on many levels and in particular when considering the fate of his uncle and father.

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