Can we all agree to follow-up any statements put out like that with: "oh, really? Why didn't he do it in his first four YEARS?" - ?

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Thank you - DJT is a known fabricator so would take ANYTHING he says as opportunistic pandering, rather than an actual committment.

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If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.

Edgar Allan Poe

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For all of you KGB*-brainwashed JFKA conspiracy theorist suckers out there:

A sharpshooting, self-described Marxist by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald -- whom a KGB* mole by the name of Bruce Solie had sent to Moscow as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" in the wrong part of the CIA -- killed JFK all by himself.

*Today's SVR and FSB

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Jun 12Liked by Chad Nagle

He likely withheld the file because it involved a KGB agent as one of the shooters that day.

Anyhow, the idea that Oswald was a single shooter shouldn't even be discussed anywhere anymore. It is magic.

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No, Oswald did it all by himself. A scientific "conscious reaction" study of some of the witnesses (including JFK, Jackie, JBC & NC) in the Zapruder film has shown that his first (missing everything) shot was at hypothetical "Z-124," i.e., half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming at Z-133. He therefore took about ten seconds altogether to fire all three shots in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza. His first shot missed because it was steeply-downward-angled and required him to stand and awkwardly lean forward. For his second and third shots, however, he knelt down and rested his left elbow on the top box at the window. The pattern of the spent shells on the floor reflect those two shooting positions.

Google "Estimating Occult Timing" to read the 22-page journal article.

("Occult" here means hard to discern.)

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I am sorry, and I don’t intend to be so negative, but Oswald as a lone gunman can be compared to believing the earth is flat. People do believe the earth is flat.

Other than that, my great uncle specifically reported to LBJ after the assassination about the assassination details and then carefully documented the true story in a time stamped method. It is the Rene Dussaq/Roscoe White story. Those two stories were also the same and time stamped.

Talking to someone that might as well believe the world is flat grows tiring.

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Well, you and he are mistaken.

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Tommy, are your eyes brown?

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Why, are you attracted to brown-eyed guys or something?

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No not at all. However I'm of the opinion that your major purose here is self promotion. I ain't biting.

So lets see some facts here instead of your constant baiting of others.

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I think Robert was referring to the old saying, "that guy is so full of shit his eyes are brown."

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Why? Do you have brown eyes?

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If the foo shits it stinks!

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Zapruder was altered.

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No, but you certainly sound as though you have.

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If you don't know who Homer McMahon is you don't have any business talking about that Homer McMahon seen the original film and could identify 6 to 7 hits and notably named 3 to 4 positions perhaps you'd like to read his deposition it's on record.


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Homer McMahon seen, or Homer McMahon saw?

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Well Homer McMahon must have been part of the secret service duty that day. He and rufus youngblood were the only two people near lbj when he WALKED....not jogged or was hurriedly rushed... to the car that took him to Love Field. lbj was really worried about being shot wasn't he? You are a real gem. Maybe he SEEN too much and lbj had to give him the treatment on the way to the airport. Hunt and peck a while for that one marble left in your head to retort.

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Wowie zowie!

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Rereading this transcript reminded me of the enlightenments obtained by reading all of Doug Horne's volumes. The beginning of Part II of A Cruel And Shocking Act contains frame 371 of the Zapruder film. Study of this frame supports Bobby Hargis' statement that the Lincoln stopped. The background is blurred suggesting panning, but the vehicle and especially Clint Hill's planted foot are quite sharp. Hill's foot cannot be moving forward at the speed of panning because it is in contact with the paved road. Hargis can be seen on Youtube telling us Oswald did it but that the limousine did stop.

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Ok, if oswald did it where is the interest in national security?

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What do you mean, John?

Do you even know?

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No, I don't believe it was a KGB agent's name that he withheld. IMO CIA Dir. Mike Pompeo pressured Trump to to block release of records to cover the CIA's ass; since the CIA was repurposing their Operation Mongoose anti-Castro, anti-Kennedy Cuban exile assassins to assassinate JFK.

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Dear Linda,

Sharpshooting self-described Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK all by himself, and you, like so many other people, have been hoodwinked by sixty years of KGB* disinformation into believing he didn't have anything to do with it.

-- Tommy

*Today's SVR and FSB

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Here is the entire trove of releases in 2013. Find oswald anywhere.


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Dear John,

Point being?

-- Tom

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Your thinking always rings pretty true to me. Maybe we have a national interest in believing in Santa Claus--that the CIA and FBI are here protecting us and doing a darn good job. Could this be what Trump and Clinton were told--that the U.S. population has a need to believe in something.

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I agree Linda. So much of this is mind numbing self-promotion of insecure men.

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Dear Robert,

It sounds as though you're "projecting."

The reason I consciously "bug" Jefferson "I Hate the CIA and Yuri Nosenko Was a True Defector" Morley and his followers (be they Pinko "National Security State"-hating CTs or Neo-Fascist "Deep State"-hating CTs) so much is because the JFKA is truly The Mother of all nation-rending conspiracy theories (thank you very much, Joachim Joesten, Thomas G. Buchannan, Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and Comrade Oliver Stone, et al. ad nauseam) and, as such, it helped Vladimir Putin install a "useful idiot" (or worse) jerk as our "President" on 20 January 2017 . . . which in turn led to 1/6 and our present situation.

PS Yuri "The KGB Had Nothing To Do With Oswald In The USSR" Nosenko was a false defector. To see for yourself, read my Wikipedia article on his five-year CIA case officer, Tennent H. Bagley, and Bagley's 2007 Yale University Press book, "Spy Wars" and his 2014 follow-up PDF, "Ghosts of the Spy Wars." Both are free-to-read on the Internet. Just add the word "archive" to your Google searches for "spy wars" and "ghosts of the spy wars."

-- Tom

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Signifying what, Robert?

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Like I said your opinion means not one Dogdamned thing to me.

Did I ever tell you that I'm a agnostic, dyslexic insomniac, who lies awake at night wondering if their really is a Dog (ma).

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I hope you're not afraid to read my Wikipedia article on Bagley, Robert, because if you do, I think it will motivate you to at least read his 35-page PDF, "Ghosts of the Spy Wars."

You've heard of Comrade Morley's "What Jane Roman Said" colleague, former Army Intelligence analyst and NSA officer John M. Newman, who wrote the 1995/2008 book, "Oswald and the CIA," haven't you?

You might be interested to know that Newman dedicated his 2022 book, "Uncovering Popov's Mole," to Bagley.

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Why are you so close-minded on this, when serious researchers after decades have not come up with that conclusion?

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Dude, I was a tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorist like you for about forty years.

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No he did not! You prove he did it. Know it all.

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This comment was intended for Tommy.

You have the right to your opinion for sure. I on the other hand, am under no circumstances to respect what it is. Got that Tommy!

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First of all, Oswald took about ten seconds to fire all three shots in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza. His first one was, according to a 2020 scientific study, at hypothetical "Z-124," i.e., half-a-second before Zapruder resumed filming at Z-133. It missed everything because it was steeply-downward-angled, and he therefore had to stand and awkwardly lean forward when firing it. He knelt down and rested his left elbow on the box on the windowsill for his second and third shots. The ejection pattern of the three shells on the Sniper's Nest floor reflects these two different shooting positions.

Google "estimating occult timing" to read the 22-page PDF.

("Occult" here means "difficult to discern.")

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You have the right to your opinion for sure. I, on the other hand, am under no circumstances required to respect anything you have to say.

So guess what Daddio. I don't.

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I'm sobbing uncontrollably.

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In order to believe that you would have to believe this sbt and let me tell you I've been shooting expert since 1968 and it's impossible.

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CE-399 hit only one hard bone, the radial bone in JBC's wrist. It was hit tangentially by the rear 1/3 (or so) of the bullet because the bullet was tumbling, which it started doing when it exited JFK's throat. That's why the entry wound in JBC's back was oblong in shape -- the bullet was already tumbling.

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Jun 12Liked by Chad Nagle

the story Trump told allegedly told Judge Andrew Napolitano is pure fiction. I sued NARA for all communications involving the Trump postponements and the document production shows that NSC had circulated a dozen versions of a postponement order. there is no evidence that Trump ever saw any documents.

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The only man that could have persuaded Trump would have been Putin. I don't know what to say actually. If he never saw the files, then I just don't think the CIA could have persuaded him. I have to think someone else in the know would have persuaded him.

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Putin had absolutely nothing to do with the Trump postponements. it was the NSC, CIA, DOD, State Dept and FBI.

In fact, whent he ARRB asked the Soviets for JFK records in 1995, the Soviets suggested that our government release our own records before they bother the USSR.

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Can the president have a private conversation with someone without it being reported?

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logs are kept of all POTUS communications and meetings. My lawsuit asked for all correspondence

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Apparently, you haven’t read the HSC release about Angleton

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Why not enlighten us Sir? Facts. Just the facts sir!

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Thanks for posting this, John.

If you'll scroll down to digital page 64 (paper page 61), the first word in the upper left-hand corner is "Byetkov?" This is the misspelled name of Ivan Obyedkov, the KGB security officer at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City with whom an Oswald impersonator spoke over a sure-to-be-tapped phone line on 2 October 1963 and who "volunteered" to this forgetful "Oswald" that the Soviet "diplomat" he had met with at the Soviet consulate a few days earlier was "Kostikov," as in Valery Kostikov, the putative head of Department 13 (KGB sabotage and assassinations) in the Western hemisphere.

None other than the great Bill Simpich congratulated me several years ago for figuring out that this "Byetkov?" was Obyedkov.

Factoid: Obyedkov was a Kremlin-loyal triple agent, i.e., the CIA mistakenly believed it had successfully recruited him.

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I do a pretty fair job of reading and when I have opinions I don't mind sharing my info here.

Could be you may need to read your stuff again yourself. Angleton was a paid liar working for Dog only knows who. Constantly cavorting with Oxford spies.

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Have you read my Wikipedia article on Tennent H. "Pete" Bagley, Robert?

Yes, or no?

(Don't worry, he didn't think the Russians were behind the assassination.)

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You want one video with it too that is the most accurate video on the entire thing I've ever seen in my life and it's verifiable through all of the archives


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Father-figure requiring Angleton was duped by two KGB "moles" during his long career: MI6's Kim Philby until 1951, and Angleton's next confidant and mentor (and mole-hunting boss), Bruce Solie in the mole-hunting Office of Security.

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He isn't going to do anything.

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After all is said and done, a hell lot of a lot more is said than done.

H. L. Mencken

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I assume you are addressing Tuck Frump?

One thing for sure he can keep his streak alive by no doing and thing but causing trouble.

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Trump and Biden don't agree on anhything...except that the JFK Records Act doesn't mean what it plainly says.

The only candidate who pledges to obey the act, RFK, Jr., is universally known as "the anti-vaxer," like the NASDAQ is known as "the tech-heavy NASDAQ."

And you still don't believe the media are run by the Uniparty?

Don't vote for that Anti-Vaxer, but tell your doctor to prescribe the latest Rx that will cure all your ailments and reduce your obesity...for $1,600 per dose.

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A vote for Trump or RFK Jr is a vote for Vladimir Putin.

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So what is a vote for Buck Fiden?

A vote for new Redskins quarterback Stormy Daniels?

I will write in Hunter's current wife, assuming she is still married to him in November.

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You just do that, Comrade.

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Damn Tommy you remind me of a lawn sprinkler. Yer all over the place!

Facts. Just the facts Mam!

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Russian warships are between Cuba and Florida. Are we heading towards another Cuban missile crisis. Someday someone will spill the beans on what Nixon called the Cuban thing - which was code for the JFK assassination.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

We're closer to nuclear holocaust than we have ever been, thanks to US foreign policy in expanding NATO with the threat of putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border. Putin wants us to know what that feels like. Will Biden's bosses overreact and cause an all-out nuclear exchange?

Risking Nuclear War:


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Both sides are pushing for expanded war. Blinken claims the war provides jobs for American workers. Lindsay Graham says Ukraines territory contains rare metals needed for batteries and renewable energy.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14

Absolutely. No one loves war more than Lindsey Graham.

There is nothing worth fighting a nuclear war over. Even with regard to conventional warfare, what about America is left to lose that we haven't lost already? Free speech? Free press? Privacy? Our Fourth Amendment rights? Fair elections? Representatives who represent their constituents instead of their donors? All gone.

At least Russia has a levelheaded, sane person as its president, but his patience may be wearing thin.

"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

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Yup and they both are full of excreta

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You're full of beans and KGB* disinformation whether you realize it or not.

*Today's SVR and FSB

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

You have dementia or Alzheimer's.

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That’s a suggestion I refuse to accept, Comrade.

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Oh sure it's bush and he signed it in the law you're obviously illiterate and you can't read


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Why the redundancy, Comrade?

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Wouldn't life, and the work of our community of researchers, be easier if we just treated the false statements of Trump as those of the Warren Commission lawyers or members in their report, than waste valuable space on the pages of our forums? He wasn't bad on SNL. He just didn't know what to do in the real "set" -- the Oval Office. He should play himself on SNL. We should continue to devote ourselves to the real question of whether or not the world is flat. I spent two years working for the DA on the JFK case, and we got more done without Trump than we did when he wore his POTUS costume. Of course Trump wasn't out of his "Onesie" at the time. Let's just say, what Trump would say if we told him that his new lie about releasing the documents is just a lie...."Shark? There's a shark?

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Great call here Steve. Tuck frump!!!!!

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A little off-topic, but not far; I just finished watching Three Days of The Condor, fascinating. If that isn’t about the JFKA, I don’t know what is. Murder, a CIA within the CIA, cover up murders.

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The current files on JFK are here redacted or not they are here this is the repository.


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"Fool me once-Shame on you. Fool me twice-Shame on me."

Chinese Proverb

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