My sense increasingly is that Oswald may have gone to Mexico City, but he didn’t go to either the Cuban Consulate or the Soviet Embassy, and he didn’t telephone them either. There is flawed witness testimony that he was on the bus and that he appeared at the two diplomatic facilities. But someone was impersonating Oswald in Mexico City as part of an operation. That must be what the CIA is hiding, and it is direct evidence of a conspiracy. The

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Chad, I think your thoughts are very similar to mine. I think Jeff's thesis doesn't particularly hinge on whether the real Oswald contacted Kostikov, or if someone using his name did. In the end, the question is, was George Joannides monitoring this situation in Mexico City as part of a larger intelligence operation that featured Lee Oswald. I think Jeff is making a compelling case that the answer is yes.

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Alex: I fully agree. I actually hit “Post” by accident too early, and therefore the “The” at the end, which was supposed to begin a new sentence. At some point with phones you just throw up your hands.

My own view about Mexico City as a “hoax” (psyop) is heavily influenced by John Armstrong, who thinks Oswald never went to Mexico at all. I’m prepared to believe the guy shot by Ruby went to Mexico City but perhaps never to those 2 consulates. Sylvia Duran’s statements over the years are inconsistent to the extent she me never have been face to face with the accused, and Kostikov et al who confronted a guy slamming a revolver on the table may likewise have encountered an imposter/lookalike. But I feel fairly sure now that the Joannides files must contain something of substance, because (a) they’re withheld in full, and (b) the CIA may never have shown any part of them to ARRB, who were just assured that there was “nothing to see here” and thus went along unwittingly with the gag.

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Weren't Duran's statements made under duress when she was unjustly and illegally arrested and detained after "Oswald"'s visit? Ergo, do any of her statements have any validity whatsoever? I ask sincerely because I don't have time right now to look it up. Did she make statements later to the AARB? And wasn't Philips in Mexico City around this time also? Again if memory serves, I believe I read recently that he was summoned to Langley from Mexico City around Oct. 2, 1963 if I recall correctly. Moreover, Mr. Morley used the pronoun "they" in his article above which by "they" I took it to mean Joannides and others in "The Company" were involved in that intelligence op involving Oswald so another question I am trying to explore is the nature of the relationship between Joannides & Philips at this time. Has Mr. Morley commented elsewhere on their relationship? In my recent readings I have learned that both Angleton & Philips were acting outside of their original assignment deployments in regards to other ops pertaining to counterintelligence and psycho warfare ops in Philips case as Philips was deployed as such for his specialty more than once so was he Joannides supervisor of this Mexico City op or visa versa or laterally engaged with the Oswald op starting from Oswald's assignment as FPFC agent provocateur on through the Mexico City affair? Perhaps Mr. Morley again has covered this, did Angleton work with Philips & Joannides on the Oswald op? And was it the Office of Security or the Counterintelligence Branch or both that was hiding Oswald's file from the Mexico City branch? Thanks, kudos to Mr. Morley and to all above for all this digging and reporting out.

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These sound like questions for the podcast, Norm. I’m uncertain about most of these but I’m fairly sure Phillips was Joannides’ immediate superior at the time Oswald had his run-in with DRE. Like 24 hours after the assassination, the DRE put out a press release and a special edition of their newspaper saying Oswald had killed JFK on Castro’s orders. The “printing press” element of this affair always made me think of Phillips, since the independent press Phillips set up in Chile in the early 1950s was what brought him to the CIA’s attention in the first place. Joannides would have been more hands-on with DRE than Phillips was. At the time of the assassination, Phillips was (I believe) head of Cuban operations in the CIA’s Mexico City station, but he was back and forth between there and Miami and Washington (and probably New Orleans and Dallas), so he was not a man who stayed put. He likely ran psyops throughout the Western Hemisphere, since he retired as the CIA’s chief of the Western Hemisphere Division.

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The CIA deserved “deference upon deference” when it came to JFK files?

We're doomed when the judiciary defers to the national security surveillance state.

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OK, let's go with the possibility Oswald really went to Mexico City, and really did contact Kostikov.

Kostikov was allegedly involved in KGB covert ops involving crimes all the way up to murder.

Since the case for Oswald as a shooter is so flimsy, and the scale of CIA chicanery so monumental, maybe Oswald was meant to try to get Kostikov to fall in with a plot to assassinate JFK, on orders of the rogue agents in CIA.

In any event, however plausible or implausible this theory is, Jeff's post hits on a crucial point: they wouldn't be going to the mat after almost sixty years (!) if those 44 documents, and probaly plenty of others, were not very embarrassing.

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I take it slightly different. If Jefferson Morley’s thesis is correct and Oswald himself did go to Mexico City and contacted Kostikov (which may be the case, those CIA records must be revealed in full), could another explanation be that the CIA was simply setting Oswald up in this situation to further his Commie legend. In other words, no greater purpose than that. As Garrison himself said, Oswald was a lower level Cold War pawn but a carefully curated and valuable one, a pawn that could be inserted and used for different purposes as was needed. This would include his ultimate role as assassination patsy.

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Then again, I’m just spit ballin’ until further records and facts come aboard and clearer dots connected.

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In the title smoking gun reminds me: There is no way the last shot to JFK's head was just a full metal jacket. It had to be a hollow point or something more explosive. Yet all the WC was willing to admit to were the 3 casings they found on the 6th floor, were full metal jacket. Hollow-point ammunition is designed with a cavity centrally located on the forward end of the bullet, so as to cause the bullet to increase in diameter on impact with an object. Ball ammunition is designed with a tough metal covering or jacket over a central core material that is designed to remain intact on impact.

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I think you are being far too coy. Anyone who has spent any time investigating the case, realizes that the Warren Commission report was wrong, and simply a cover-up. Whether the real Oswald went to Mexico City, or it was only an imposter is to my mind more of a detail. The big picture is that the MSM are still controlled by powers that be. We should be focused on convincing the American public, or at least those who have yet to catch on and might care, that they are being lied to. We do not need more facts. Researchers still disagree on things like whether Israel was a major factor because of JFK's opposition to Dimona. I find "Final Judgment" compelling, but there were obviously other players and other motives. I'd like to see a more strenuous effort to take down the media now that they have been so weakened by the loss of credibility. Finish them off and let a real free press emerge.

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Can the CIA be both complicit and incompetent?

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Jefferson, what is the update to these 44 documents following the release (or limited release) of December 15, 2022? (Perhaps this is described in your subsequent posts? I'm interested in the number of redacted or unreleased files following this latest release. I saw that Larry Schnapf told Tucker Carlson that it was the "same wine but in different bottles").

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So what this suggests to me is that the CIA has had nearly six decades to concoct false documents indicating they didn't plot JFK's murder but were actively trying to prevent it, implying the only reason for their long-running coverup is that they failed (boo hoo) in the process. I expect they'll continue to resist release of these fake documents to enhance their credibility when they finally do come out. This faux reluctance will serve to tamp down the likely truth that the CIA along with the military and the Secret Service in fact did conspire in the assassination.

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I think you have to add Helms as another top spook who likely knew about LHO in the months leading to the assassination. He appointed Joannides to his role in directing the DRE and had him report directly to him. If Joannides was involved in psyops with LHO, Helms had to know too.

Angleton and Helms were No. 2 and No. 3 at the CIA In 1963 besides the JFK appointed agency head. For me, that eliminates the ‘we screwed up’ theory or the ‘rogue CIA cowboys did it’ theory.

If there was a psyops with LHO by the CIA in the weeks and months before Nov. 22 that resulted in the assassination, these guys knew and blessed it.

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What are your feelings on Jerrie Cobb?

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Great work keeping the pressure on.

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