Sitemap - 2021 - JFK Facts

Chuck Todd Asked Me About the JFK Files

The New JFK Documents Are Searchable at the Mary Ferrell Web Site.

The Majority Report: "The Lone Gunman theory .... has gotten less credible over time."

Annals of Absurd JFK Classification

JFK on KMUD's Heroes and Patriots

JFK Files Withheld in Full

The Complicated Case of James Angleton

JFK Is Not a Culture War

What’s Missing From the New JFK Document Release

Five Questions About Biden's Dec. 15 JFK Disclosures

A Documentary Does Justice to Tink Thompson, the First Scholar of JFK's Assassination

Up in Medecino County

Operation Northwoods Was Approved and Never Cancelled

What Bob Dylan Told Me About the Assassination of JFK

JFK's Assassination Explained For British History Channel

Scorpions' Dance: The CIA and Watergate

CIA Continues to Conceal JFK Assassination Files. But Here’s What We Do Know

Dylan on the Grassy Knoll: A Defense

Four Points About Biden's Decision on the JFK Files

Putting the JFK Story in Context for The Alarmist

Rex Bradford, Electronic Archivist, on Biden and the Last of the JFK Files

JFK Facts Podcast: Josiah Thompson on the Last Second in Dallas

The Heroism of the Miami Herald

JFK Redacted: CIA Counterintelligence and the Failure of Dallas

Redacted JFK Files Show Ricardo 'Monkey' Morales Was a Trusted CIA Operative and FBI Informant

Ricardo “Monkey” Morales Told His Sons He Knew Lee Harvey Oswald

The JFK Cover-Up Strikes Again

RIP Mort Sahl: Comedian and Warren Commission Critic Ahead of its Time

JFK on Secrecy

‘An Outrage Against Democracy’: JFK's Nephews Urge Biden to Reveal Assassination Records

CIA on Ancient JFK Files: Let's Not Make 'Hasty' Decisions

From the White House, President Biden's Order on JFK Files

About the JFK Files: Did Biden Comply with the Law?

Seven Members of Congress Calls for Full JFK Disclosure

Biden Faces October 26 Deadline for Release of More JFK Assassination Papers

Why Did the CIA Reclassify Parts of Some JFK Files in 2018?

JFK Redacted: The CIA's Collaborators in the Miami News Media

From the Secret JFK Files, Praise for a CIA Officer Who Monitored Oswald

Former DA says CIA hides JFK details but are they related to the assassination?

The JFK Records Act: Will There Be a Final Chapter?

Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline

Final Deadline Loom on JFK Records: Will Biden Follow the Law?

How a former Trump aide is pressing Biden to loosen national security secrets

Public Interest Declassification Board Urges Transparency in Release of JFK Files

A Dealey Plaza query from a reader

Geraldo Rivera on His Historic First Broadcast of the Zapruder Film

Six of out of seven Oswald mock trials ended without convictions

What happened to the original Air Force One tape from November 22, 1963?

RIP: Trevor Moore, Satirist of Assassination

I'm interviewed in the new Fox Nation series on JFK

'He was sure the President had been shot from the front'

Would Oswald have been convicted at trial?

Motorcade 63

Oliver Stone on Trump and JFK

Top 5 CIA Movies

Why CIA Ties Were Omitted from Obituaries of Priscilla Johnson McMillan

RIP Priscilla Johnson McMillan, Oswald Biographer Who the CIA Viewed as an Asset

Oliver Stone's Coming JFK Documentary

Morley v. CIA in Review

RIP Richard Stolley, the Man Who Bought Abraham Zapruder's Film

JFK Facts Podcast: Investigator Josiah Thompson on the gunfire in Dallas

Federal Declassification Board Calls for JFK Disclosure

How the CIA plotted the 'accidental' death of Raul Castro

Only 15,834 Secrets Block Full JFK Assassination Disclosure

'Last Second in Dallas': Debate and Agreement

Josiah Thompson on how to think about November 22

What is the JFK end game?

What did we learn from the 2017 JFK releases?

A question about the grassy knoll

Talking about JFK and the law

The state of the still-classified JFK files

JFK Facts Podcast # 1 (17 March, 2021)

What will Biden do about the last of the JFK files?

Woolsey is not the first CIA man to reject the Warren Commission

JFK in the eyes of the law

Will Rep. Maloney Hold Oversight Hearings on JFK Files?

If you want to help get the JFK files released in 2021

CIA Director Bill Burns will advise Biden on secret JFK files

Comments to go dark

Is Full JFK Disclosure Possible in 2021?

The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination

RIP: Gerald McKnight, Historian Who Dismantled the Warren Commission