"Everything will be revealed"... we'll see.

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15 days. Keep this name in mind: Rolando Cubela.

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What was his role? Shooter?

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BREAKING: Right now “someone” is flooding the Internet with red herrings — seemingly intended to confuse people and throw them off the scent of the CIA.

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PS: With the confirmation of John Ratcliffe we’ve breached the perimeter.


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Jefferson Morley for Archivist of the United States (ie Boss of NARA).

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I know nothing about Ratcliffe.

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Yeah… he’s obscure… but I think he’s a good one… a Trojan Horse perhaps.

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They’ve been using the Trojan Horse tactic on us forever. It’s about time we got them back once.

GHW Bush was a Trojan Horse — billed as a Reagan Republican. But really he ushered in the era of CIA control over the U.S. Presidency.

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They are masters of manipulation.

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They are very effective.

My friends and family are abuzz right now chasing red herrings.

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There will be nothing revealing re. JFK, IMO. There are likely thing that are embarrassing for the gov't but have no bearing on who was or wasn't involved in the shooting/

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You're new at this, we get it. The previously withheld George Joannides files and Mexico City files alone may alter the perspectives on a consipracy, at the very least.

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Not so new---60+ years. Everything not heretofore released has been reviewed by the ARRB. But, so what? It will all be public soon---keep your hopes up

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Fake Trump, showing teeth, come on!

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Did Steven Spielberg write the files?

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Is the full text of the Executive Order available for publication?

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I bet there will be lots of redactions.

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That's the key question.

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No redactions if Trump's order is followed. It says "I have now determined that the continued redaction and withholding of information from records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is not consistent with the public interest and the release of these records is long overdue."

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Full plans for JFK document release are ordered to be completed in 15 days, and 45 days for RFK and MLF. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/2025/01/fact-sheet-president-donald-j-trump-orders-declassification-of-jfk-rfk-and-mlk-assassination-files/

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So they will come up with a plan within 15 days. I hope the plan doesn’t require additional months or years to implement fully. And will there be a plan for keeping redactions? We’ll see…will all records throughout the government be released? Or only what’s held by the Archives? Lots of unknowns here.

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Well stated.

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Also, who else thinks they should confiscate the shredders and all trash/recycling bins in Langley *now*?

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Do I hear Morrisey?

“Stop me

Stop me

Stop me

Stop me if you think that you’ve

Heard this one before…”

I hope not.

And now I hear Roger.

“I’ll get on my knees and pray…”

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I don’t expect too much learn much we don’t already know or suspect. The real serious stuff that we all want to know would never have been written down anyway, as they wanted no paper trail.

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An alternative version of your thought is that there was no paper trail because the FBI found themselves looking at a dead end following the death of Oswald. The conspirators got away with it. The reluctance to admit culpability at Butler might reflect the embarrassment 1963 law enforcement was faced with.

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"I researched and found out, of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200."

Mark R. Elsis

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That's a strange mode of statistical inference - you would need to start with a pool of all the attorneys in the US in 1963-64, since the traditional Jewish respect for legal and medical careers needs to be taken into account.

As it is, all you have is a fairly lame smear.

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Dear Richard Turnbull

This calculation was done by a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics from a prestigious university.

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis

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LOL, please try much harder in future - that still leaves the argument floating unhinged in N-dimensionsal semantic space, first posed by you as a fairly lame smear, and now as a preposterously weird version of the ignoratio elenchi fallacy, sorry!

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And what's your point?

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Let's see what they release before celebrating

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Let's hope "the plan" is not parsing out things slowly and teasingly over a long period of time.

In view of how the Secret Service admitted to destroying records to the ARRB, I'm praying this is not the same response

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We’ll see if the EO will withstand the CIA’s machinations but if it actually does, one thing that could have made the difference between 2017 & now is the fact that Bush Sr had time to die.

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